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日韩流行:Girls' Generation少女时代 2007-2022 Music Album Collection/BD - [售价 30 碟CD] digest  ...23 XUPAN77 2023-3-9 311259 myrtex 4 天前
东京事变 (Tokyo Incidents)《8CD》APE+CUE/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 yncgljf 2020-8-30 1428011 55gd5g 4 天前
RADWIMPS《君の名は(你的名字)》原盘自购/WAV/2016/BD 新人帖 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..34 zgbjwzh 2017-3-10 50038310 马山芋 4 天前
SS501-(규종 Solo)Collection-mp3-五只的solo超棒 attach_img agree 海象与贤 2013-2-14 61824 deng6585876 4 天前
林娜琏《IM NAYEON》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...2 llboy76 2022-6-24 211802 antoniochi666 4 天前
山下达郎-Opus- All Time Best 1975-2012/4CD/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至90楼] ...23456..21 davidelefree 2019-9-11 30620433 brandam 4 天前
日乐队组合:manish《全集》无损/整分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...23456..7 appleoo 2018-5-24 938752 leichao 4 天前
日本男团:&TEAM《First Howling : NOW》2023/FLAC/CT agree jaytamvip 2023-11-16 6322 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
Chuu(金智雨)《Howl》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree jaytamvip 2023-10-24 8242 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
(G)I-DLE《HEAT》2023/24_FLAC/BD attachment  ...2 最终之战 2024-1-31 16442 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
NMIXX (엔믹스)《无损音乐合集》2022-2024/FLAC/CT agree jaytamvip 2024-1-17 13362 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
(G)I-DLE《2》2024/FLAC/CT agree  ...234 jaytamvip 2024-1-30 48801 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
玟星 (문별)《Starlit of Muse》2024/FLAC/CT agree jaytamvip 2024-2-21 8227 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
유겸 (YUGYEOM)《TRUST ME》2024/FLAC/CT agree jaytamvip 2024-2-21 6173 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
女团:TWICE《With YOU-th》EP/2024/FLAC/CT agree  ...2 jaytamvip 2024-2-23 24418 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
IU 李知恩《The Winning 6th Mini Album》第6张迷你专辑/FLAC/2024... agree  ...2 tenet 2024-3-3 20402 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
aespa《无损音乐合集》2020-2024/FLAC/CT agree  ...2 jaytamvip 2024-3-10 27339 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
Highlight (하이라이트)《Switch On》2024/FLAC/CT agree jaytamvip 2024-3-12 4115 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
韩国女团:PURPLE KISS (퍼플키스)《BXX》EP/2024/FLAC/CT agree jaytamvip 2024-3-20 9244 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
NCT DREAM《DREAM( )SCAPE》 2024/24bit/96kHZ/FLAC/夸克/迅雷 attach_img agree llboy76 2024-3-25 9210 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
BOYNEXTDOOR《HOW?》2024/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/夸克/迅雷 attachment agree llboy76 2024-4-15 6182 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
RIIZE《RIIZING》2024/24bit/96kHZ/FLAC/夸克/迅雷 attach_img agree New llboy76 7 天前 775 泡泡奶昔 4 天前
王若琳《博尼的大冒险》FLAC+CUE/整轨/百度网盘 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..15 James 实名认证 2012-12-31 21920743 Sherphd 4 天前
Sekai No Owari 世终乐队《Nautilus》2024/24bit/96kHZ/FLAC/BD attach_img agree edwards286 2024-4-26 798 Atheist 4 天前
Gary Karr, Daniel Marillier《低音王 The King of Bass》APE/整轨/百度 attach_img  ...234 靜養 实名认证 2014-4-5 527538 含笑春风 4 天前
坂本龙一(Ryuichi Sakamoto)《Three》日版/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 TFreend 2020-2-22 1347357 zwjianlove 4 天前
原抓:米津玄师《Bootleg 》2017/WAV/BD attachment agree  ...23456..7 高-V1 2020-12-20 935862 zwjianlove 5 天前
米津玄师《10CD》FLAC/百度 attachment digest heatlevel  ...23456..16 青周2020 2021-3-14 23916696 zwjianlove 5 天前
酒井法子(日)19CD全集/APE/整轨内嵌CUE/百度 attachment digest heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至45楼] ...23456..22 appleoo 2018-2-6 32225437 myrtex 5 天前
李贞贤《10专》APE/BD attach_img digest agree  ...23456 blindcat 2023-6-24 751255 myrtex 5 天前
日流行: 杏里 ANRI 1979-1995/FLAC/BD 新人帖 digest agree  ...2345 Sgt.Cao 2023-9-15 662438 007xjw 5 天前
值得收藏 Kara - [20100929] KARA BEST 2007-2010 (FLAC)/百度 attach_img agree  ...23456..7 高-V1 2013-7-25 9910015 a16285899 5 天前
灌篮高手原声带《The Best of TV Animation Slam Dunk》WAV/整轨/百..... attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..40 [email protected] 2017-5-25 58932626 zjurobert 5 天前
波多黎各:Luis Fonci《Despacito & My Greatest Hits》2017/FLAC/BD attach_img agree yinzhidui 2023-9-20 11456 南极星123 5 天前
仓木麻衣(Kuraki Mai)《Symphonic Collection in Moscow》2012/WAV/BD attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 最终之战 2017-7-18 11910165 st-entertainmen 5 天前
仓木麻衣《16CD》APE+CUE/BD attach_img digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..16 yncgljf 2020-8-28 22613323 st-entertainmen 5 天前
坂本龙一(Ryuichi Sakamoto)《[BTTB (20周年版)》日版/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 TFreend 2020-2-22 1989976 八木原 5 天前
坂本龙一(Ryuichi Sakamoto)《1996》精选日版/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 TFreend 2020-2-22 19011262 八木原 5 天前
あいみょん(aimyon/爱缪)《2019-2021合集》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23456 .﹎时光纪 2022-5-19 783139 actsaga 5 天前
Sound Horizon 《18CD》 2002-2015 ALAC/BD+115 attachment digest agree  ...23456 四界苏息 2020-8-4 876238 kyo_gaoying 5 天前
YOASOBI《22CD》2019-2022/FLAC/HCY/2.34G attachment digest heatlevel  ...23456..13 最终之战 2022-3-12 1897103 开到荼蘼 5 天前
羊文学《our hope》2022/24bit/48kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-4-20 362113 swing0828 5 天前
Mrs. GREEN APPLE《2018-2020合集》FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 .﹎时光纪 2022-5-22 201422 Dddog073 5 天前
Yuuri《13CD》2019-2021/FLAC 24/16-Bit/HCY attachment digest  ...2 最终之战 2022-8-14 221648 Dddog073 5 天前
新加坡爵士流行:Vanessa Fernandez《I Want You》2019/FLAC/Hi-Res/TYYP attachment  ...234 最终之战 2019-8-9 454696 yewenchao 5 天前
ZARD:选集 20th-25th Anniversary 24bit/192khz/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 szemaeyre 2022-4-11 1706667 Ka2eJo 5 天前
MORA 浜崎あゆ《 Hi-Res合集》FLAC/24bit/44 48 96kHz/BD attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 appleoo 2020-9-12 20614178 zhongza123 5 天前
LE SSERAFIM《Smart (Remixes)》2024/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/夸克/迅雷 attachment agree llboy76 2024-3-22 7237 忘記時間 5 天前
BABYMONSTER《 BABYMONSTER 1st MINI ALBUM [BABYMONS7ER]》2024/24bit/48kHZ/FL... attachment agree  ...2 llboy76 2024-3-31 22394 忘記時間 5 天前
(应求)日流行:Kiroro《视音频集》1998-2018/FLAC+TS/BD attach_img digest heatlevel  ...23456..8 最终之战 2020-2-27 1169403 lihdcs 5 天前
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