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布鲁斯摇滚:More Than 6《Well Matured》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-5 5622 446708588 2023-6-13 00:24
布鲁斯摇滚:Cleanhead's Factory《Still Trouble Ahead》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-5 3570 446708588 2023-6-13 00:17
布鲁斯摇滚:Blue Recluse《Rarely Fatal》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 7688 446708588 2023-6-13 00:12
国摇:骅梓&拆呢乐队《家》2008/FLAC分轨/BD attachment agree  ...2 shuxin1234   2023-4-23 296357 何必闷 2023-6-12 23:45
美律动/激流/新金:Machine Head《29CD》1994-2018/FLAC/BD attachment digest  ...2 最终之战 2022-7-23 222509 peter8088cn 2023-6-12 22:48
美国残死:Skinless《Savagery》2018/FLAC/BD attachment agree kivenmetal 2018-6-1 132623 学学锦锦 2023-6-12 21:23
耳光乐队 《十八系列2012》 WAV+CUE/百度 - [售价 40 碟CD] attachment agree  ...23 zxc9142 2016-2-23 308730 何必闷 2023-6-12 21:10
独立摇滚:AstraSonic《Society》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 5658 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-12 16:48
旋律/死亡:Bosparans Fall《Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 3613 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-12 15:56
黑金/死金:Olkoth《At the Eye of Chaos》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 2697 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-12 15:15
石人/末日/重金属:Cactus Cathedral《Suspending All Belief》2023/FLAC/XL attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 5651 towfish 2023-6-12 15:06
芬兰民谣金:Folkrim《Tales of Tumult》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-4-28 10845 wumingshi 2023-6-12 14:31
匈牙利民谣金:Dalriada《Nyárutó》2018/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-4-28 11885 wumingshi 2023-6-12 14:28
挪威民谣金:Lumsk《Fremmede Toner》2023/24_FLAC/BD 最终之战 2023-5-26 10657 helanshan_way 2023-6-12 14:22
澳泥浆/嗡鸣/厄运:Whitehorse《我不哭,你哭》 2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 6648 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-12 13:59
前卫/力量:Anubis Gate《Covered in Colours》2020/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-11 5619 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-12 13:59
前卫/力量:Anubis Gate《Covered in Black》2017/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-11 4698 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-12 13:57
石庙领航员:Stone Temple Pilots《Purple》超级豪华版_2019/Hi-Res/CT attachment [最终之战已阅至14楼] ...2 最终之战 2020-5-15 232491 wxchtbb1975 2023-6-12 12:52
另类:Weezer《SZNZ:Autumn》2022/FLAC 24-48/BD attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2022-10-7 181765 wxchtbb1975 2023-6-12 12:24
Weezer《Weezer (White Album)》2016/FLAC/百度 attachment agree [最终之战已阅至11楼] ...2 zxkid 2016-4-2 243637 wxchtbb1975 2023-6-12 12:21
Third Eye Blind 心灵蒙蔽合唱团《BLUE 蓝》1999/FLAC+CUE/CT attach_img agree blindcat 2023-6-11 1432 eltonwjx 2023-6-12 12:20
美朋克另类摇Weezer《16cd》1994-2017/FLAC/BD attachment digest  ...23456 混在it 2018-12-23 826504 wxchtbb1975 2023-6-12 12:18
摇滚:GrandVille《GrandVille》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-6-9 5583 lane_dell 2023-6-12 10:29
摇滚老合集《京文时态零号》MP3/度盘 attachment agree [最终之战已阅至12楼] ...23 金属疯子 2017-9-27 324665 何必闷 2023-6-12 01:11
北京旋律力量金属乐队冰封十字《冰封天堂》2008/ALAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...23 追忆的刀铭水月 2017-10-9 364997 何必闷 2023-6-12 01:10
杭州搞笑碾 热血红娘《春天里的小画家》2007/WAV+APE/BD attach_img agree  ...2345 AWPIE 2019-12-3 645531 何必闷 2023-6-11 21:56
摇滚区大包资源汇集导航帖,持续更新中(2020.02.15) attachment digest heatlevel [最终之战已阅至94楼] ...23456..8 最终之战 2016-4-9 117127943 何必闷 2023-6-11 21:54
马雨阳《雨中骄阳》2015/FLAC/度盘 attachment agree  ...23 晓Sirius天狼星 2016-3-27 345324 何必闷 2023-6-11 21:40
DRV-007 博多之子“Follow The Reaper”(旋死) DSD重制版 attach_img digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 Boweyy 2020-3-19 1248437 Sgt.Cao 2023-6-11 20:48
逻辑失控《Loneliness Give Us Power孤独给我们力量》2008/MP3/BD attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2016-8-22 203316 何必闷 2023-6-11 20:29
S.A.W. 锯乐队《Young Rebel 年轻反抗》2010/MP3/115 attach_img [最终之战已阅至7楼] ...2 最终之战 2016-8-22 244299 何必闷 2023-6-11 20:27
单人自然主义黑金属计划ËDÏËH《2CD合集》FLAC/百度网盘 agree  ...23 追忆的刀铭水月 2018-2-1 324953 何必闷 2023-6-11 19:54
德维京金属:Skaldenmet《Blood of Kvasir》2019/FLAC/BD+HCY attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2021-8-1 182291 Valentino 2023-6-11 19:01
土耳其残死:Cenotaph《Perverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions》2017/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2017-10-2 82046 学学锦锦 2023-6-11 16:16
种马乐队《同名专辑》2008 /FLAC+CUE/CT agree blindcat 2023-6-11 0390 blindcat 2023-6-11 15:37
瑞典前卫歌金:Katatonia《Sky Void Of Stars》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img 最终之战 2023-2-24 10749 zhanghongzhe123 2023-6-11 13:50
美车库摇/迷幻摇:Night Beats《Live At Valentine》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img 最终之战 2023-1-9 51208 anarchyhaha 2023-6-11 13:17
Yes《The Definitive Rock Collection》2007/FLAC/HCY attach_img agree wxchtbb1975 2023-6-8 3528 lane_dell 2023-6-11 12:24
丹麦前卫/力量:Anubis Gate 《6CD》 2004-2014/FLAC/BD attach_img agree szemaeyre 2020-9-24 71761 nilemania 2023-6-11 12:22
致敬铁娘子:VA《A Tribute To The Beast Vol.1 &Vol.2》3CD/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 metallica1986 2023-1-24 271353 anarchyhaha 2023-6-11 12:08
致敬专辑:VA《A Tribute to AC/DC》2019/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 metallica1986 2023-1-20 321712 anarchyhaha 2023-6-11 12:04
黑金:Nattverd《I Helvetes Forakt》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-5 5729 vader0315 2023-6-11 11:02
No.13 美国回潮激流:Lazarus A.D. 2CD 2009-2011 Flac/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 Binaquarius 2015-10-21 193123 vader0315 2023-6-11 10:37
No.35 巴西回潮激流:Deathraiser - Violent Aggression 2011/FLAC/百度 attachment agree  ...2 Binaquarius 2015-7-28 243421 vader0315 2023-6-11 10:35
No.116 意大利回潮激流:National Suicide - Massacre Elite 2017 Flac/BD attachment agree  ...2 Binaquarius 2018-2-5 273408 EdenWhispers 2023-6-11 10:33
No.3 美国回潮激流:Municipal Waste (5CD) 2003-2012 Flac/百度 attachment agree [最终之战已阅至5楼] ...23 Binaquarius 2015-10-24 325415 vader0315 2023-6-11 10:12
挪威交响哥金 Sirenia : The Seventh Life Path (2015)/320 + FLAC/百度盘 attach_img agree  ...23 散步的骨骼 2015-5-8 314564 kenny_yam 2023-6-11 09:45
挪威歌金Sirenia《Perils Of The Deep Blue》2013/flac/115 attach_img agree metal 2016-6-27 72637 kenny_yam 2023-6-11 09:44
No.47 意大利回潮激流:Game Over - Crimes Against Reality 2016 Flac attachment agree Binaquarius 2016-4-26 141597 vader0315 2023-6-11 09:38
德旋律硬摇:DeVicious《Phase Three》2020/FLAC/CT attach_img 最终之战 2020-5-7 91456 kenny_yam 2023-6-11 09:26
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