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美吉他偶像Slash《11cd》2010-2018/flac/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2018-12-2 17913714 godstomb 3 天前
黑胶收藏:Rhapsody of Fire《16LP》1998-2012/FLAC/磁链 attach_img heatlevel [最终之战已阅至154楼] ...23456..13 最终之战 2013-11-25 18923337 含笑春风 2024-4-18 04:11
合集:中国摇滚二十年,各摇滚乐队作品集 之三/MP3/度盘 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 金属疯子 2017-10-18 17816907 zhanjian111 2024-3-26 16:40
加拿大后摇大团黑帝 Godspeed You! Black Emperor《合集》FLAC attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 liaoxj 2019-1-21 18011911 55gd5g 2024-5-4 03:49
英朋克先驱Sex.Pistols《16cd》1977-2005/flac/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2018-11-4 17811365 zhaojwen 5 天前
(应求)The Velvet Underground《44CD+4LP+3HiResCD》1967-2020/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 混在it 2021-1-1 18311607 yu3ji123 2024-5-6 13:42
黑胶收藏系列之硬摇:Aerosmith 1973-2012 LP [24/192] (18LP/30.6G) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 Binaquarius 2015-12-14 16913343 木日戈兀 2024-1-4 22:59
蝎子乐队 Scorpions《28CD》1972-2015/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 savalone 2020-7-7 1779708 duwenkun 2024-4-26 18:39
Blur 18CD+EP日版非套装 flac/BD/5.5G attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 D杰 2018-11-23 1779918 hugolin 2024-3-23 13:34
周韧《4CD》FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 hagal 2022-1-24 1787307 wuya1789 2024-4-6 23:10
048:Radiohead ×9张〔录音室专辑〕1995~2017 24/192/Vinyl/BDP heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 ivegetable 2022-1-27 1908076 夜音寒 前天 02:27
炭疽乐队:Anthrax《17CD》(1983-2011+精选+live)FLAC/日版全长/BD attach_img heatlevel [最终之战已阅至79楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2013-11-25 17515147 小鸟向前飞 4 天前
黑胶收藏系列之激流金属:Pantera 1983-2000 LP [24/192] (18LP/16.5G) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 Binaquarius 2015-11-21 17213986 winninghai 6 天前
美放克金属大咖:Extreme《34CD》1989-2016/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2018-7-17 17914532 qq732504581 2024-3-17 00:02
合集:中国摇滚二十年,各摇滚乐队作品集 之四/MP3/度盘 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 金属疯子 2017-10-18 17316758 zhanjian111 2024-3-26 16:38
Joe Satriani (15CD)1986-2018 24Bit/96/[Hi-RES] /Flac/百度 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 树哭叶散 2019-4-22 18214287 managod 2024-4-19 06:06
永恒沉睡:Sopor Aeternus&The Ensemble Of Shadows 1994-2015/FLAC/BD/49.2G attach_img heatlevel [最终之战已阅至72楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2015-5-12 17517399 Ride_Nowhere 2024-3-2 13:59
(已更新)流金天团:Mr.Big《52CD》1983-2018/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 混在it 2018-5-23 18417388 duwenkun 2024-4-24 00:59
摇滚之父 Chuck Berry专辑合辑 FLAC/10.63GB/百度云 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 swrdefish 2018-8-28 17514309 xidi01 2024-4-15 23:39
YES乐队: 1969-2001/Yes Boots/Yes Live/Yes Studio/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 墨客接榫 2021-3-5 16913247 zhaojwen 4 天前
哥特音乐合集:Gothic Melancholy (哥特忧沉) Vol 1-20/115 heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至166楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2013-5-23 17618732 mn0mn0mn0 2023-10-31 16:09
流金巨星Skid Row《21cd》1989-2014/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至11楼] ...23456..12 混在it 2020-6-14 17510483 lgf2k 2024-4-30 06:00
欧美摇滚:Rage Against the Machine《11CD》/无损/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 appleoo 2020-4-9 1758626 海龙王 2024-5-5 05:10
011:Rammstein ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1995~2022 32/96/Vinyl/BDP heatlevel  ...23456..13 ivegetable 2021-12-5 1859707 佐治米糕 昨天 21:59
激流金属:Metallica《50CD》1983-2021 Hi-res/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 szemaeyre 2022-7-15 1787247 zhanglizhuangcd 昨天 15:36
硬摇、另类、重、新金属:Disturbed《22CD》2000-2010/FLAC/BD/9.58G attach_img heatlevel [最终之战已阅至85楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2014-5-14 18819090 责有攸归 2024-4-19 11:28
美节奏布鲁斯Stevie Ray Vaughan 《17CD》flac/百度 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 metal 2016-4-22 17714155 jchen245566 2024-4-21 08:10
应求:英金属巨头Iron Maiden《100cd》1979-2017/flac/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2018-12-23 17714287 bierhofflc 2023-10-31 22:57
英Amy Winehouse 2003-2015《8CD+DVD》FLAC/百度 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 metal 2017-2-25 18011257 yangzan12345 昨天 08:21
(已更新)殿堂级硬摇Rainbow《78CD》1975-2018/FLAC/BD/ attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2018-5-25 16914145 DS_Mirror 2023-11-11 13:01
史蒂夫·范 Steve Vai《16CD》1984-2007/FLAC/8.29G/BD attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 最终之战 2018-4-19 18414521 爱小猪的笨狗熊 2024-3-21 08:41
吉他大师Marty Friedman 1987-2012《21CD》flac/百度 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 metal 2016-4-11 17316251 雪澈00 2024-3-26 19:01
艾力克·克莱普顿 Eric Clapton《音频集》1966-2018/FLAC+MP3/CT/49G attachment heatlevel [最终之战已阅至24楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2020-5-17 17410301 Carlos007 2024-4-26 23:48
祖母级摇滚女皇:Tina Turner(1984-2009)FLAC/分轨+整轨/百度/15.6G attach_img heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至60楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2013-9-2 17016965 LoveKheng 2024-4-26 15:40
灯塔级唱作人Sting《90CD》1985-2019/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2020-8-18 1719636 morrsions 2024-4-18 22:50
周云蓬《7CD》2004-2022/FLAC分轨/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 qihongbing 2023-2-28 1644018 夜无方 前天 07:04
黑胶收藏系列之激流金属:Slayer 1983-2015 LP [24/192] (32LP/27.4G) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 Binaquarius 2015-11-19 15413634 doraemonwq 2024-2-5 08:25
英国流行摇sting《11CD》APE+CUE/百度 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 metal 2015-12-8 17913658 晓风璨月 2024-1-11 09:45
黑胶收藏系列之新金:Slipknot《11LP》1999-2019/24_192/17.5G/BD attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 Binaquarius 2016-10-9 15213451 chechi 6 天前
DRV-004 绿日美国傻屌AmericanIdiot DSD Remastered DSD64/DSF attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 Boweyy 2020-3-15 16310430 sevrus 4 天前
英独立摇滚后朋:The Jesus and Mary Chain《12CD》1984-2017/FLAC/BD heatlevel  ...23456..11 最终之战 2018-6-16 16111262 追风の云 4 天前
合集:中国摇滚二十年,各摇滚乐队作品集 之五/MP3/度盘 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 金属疯子 2017-10-18 16016656 zhanjian111 2024-3-26 16:35
美南方硬摇天团Lynyrd Skynyrd《55cd》1973-2015/flac/BD attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2018-11-4 16510479 gas111 2024-5-5 11:40
(应求)雷鬼流行摇超级团THE POLICE《34CD》1978-2008/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2020-9-24 1719673 masoukishin 2024-4-28 17:17
上帝羔羊:Lamb of God《22CD》(1999-2016)FLAC/种子 attach_img heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至135楼] ...23456..12 最终之战 2013-8-30 16523467 jiligulu10 2023-12-5 20:46
爱尔兰摇滚图腾U2《31LP》1980-2017/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 混在it 2020-9-19 1658507 咳嗽的开裆裤 4 天前
已删,勿回! heatlevel  ...23456..12 鋼鐵俠 2019-5-2 17310721 含笑春风 2022-8-2 20:27
美国民谣Joan Baez《18专》flac/百度 attach_img agree  ...23456..12 metal 2015-12-19 17015095 dopod596 2023-3-31 13:15
英伦摇滚另类摇滚:The Verve《全集》1997-2017/FLAC/BD/11.6G attachment heatlevel [最终之战已阅至6楼] ...23456..11 最终之战 2017-10-3 16013146 lanmao791009 4 天前
Testament《32CD》1987-2016/FLAC/BD/12.85G attachment heatlevel [最终之战已阅至21楼] ...23456..11 最终之战 2017-8-30 15713404 doraemonwq 2024-4-23 19:43
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