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摇滚金属专辑下载 今日: 6 |主题: 20610|排名: 3 


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隐藏置顶帖 257:Throbbing Gristle ×50张〔CD〕 1984~2009 CD/BDP ivegetable 2024-4-8 6297 ydy723154661 2024-4-17 16:14
隐藏置顶帖 2023年Top 20《20CD》WAV/BD attachment  ...23456..7 hagal 2024-2-12 971467 frenchi44 3 天前
隐藏置顶帖 专辑封面欣赏(我发在抖音的一些专辑图片),15912张!! attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2024-1-29 181624 rjf810120 2024-4-17 08:27
隐藏置顶帖 德著名金属杂志 Metal Hammer Germany 2013-2022/PDF+MP3/BD/11.6G attachment  ...23456..7 最终之战 2022-8-22 1045826 chechi 前天 12:49
隐藏置顶帖 金属摇滚类专辑封面品赏,19385个图片文件,2021.01.28更新 attachment  ...23456..12 最终之战 2018-12-12 17720225 raing 2024-4-11 21:29
硬核/激流金属/混合:Municipal Waste《11CD》2003-2024/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree New asimeylada 前天 19:01 461 午夜太阳 前天 22:56
308:Marilyn Manson ×11张〔录音室专辑〕1994~2020 24/96/192/Vinyl/BDP agree New ivegetable 4 天前 12119 绝然 前天 23:34
301:Bob Dylan ×38张〔录音室专辑〕+8赠品1962~2020 SACD.iso/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-26 11150 cureslayer 5 天前
300:The Band ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1968~1977 SACD.iso/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-26 5125 zoezhangs 3 天前
英死厄:My Dying Bride《21CD》1991-2024/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2024-4-23 10289 qdldq 7 天前
另类摇滚/现代摇滚:Smash Into Pieces《28CD》2013-2024/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2024-4-22 7254 napahai 4 天前
华语摇滚:BEYOND《10CD》DSD_SACD_ISO/BD - [售价 48 碟CD] attach_img 赵不贵 2024-4-21 4184 liguangwei 6 天前
286:Duran Duran ×17张〔录音室专辑〕1981~2023 24/32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-17 8165 zmin 2024-4-26 15:37
284:Crosby Stills Nash & Young 一些专辑 ×26CD BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-17 4122 femmef 2024-4-18 19:02
283:Elegy ×7张〔录音室专辑〕1992~2002 CD/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-17 10160 死亡暗影 3 天前
282:Sonic Youth ×21张〔录音室专辑〕1982~2009 24/32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-17 12184 Bloodflower 7 天前
280:Burzum ×13张〔录音室专辑〕1992~2020 5×CD+8×Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-17 8160 死亡暗影 3 天前
279:Bathory ×12张〔录音室专辑〕1984~2003 6×Vinyl+6×CD/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-16 8147 死亡暗影 3 天前
278:Daft Punk ×4张〔录音室专辑〕1997~2013 24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-16 8177 南极星123 5 天前
277:好碟推荐 The Velvet Underground〔The Velvet Underground.SACD.iso〕 agree ivegetable 2024-4-16 11198 lovemmusic 前天 07:27
264:Satyricon ×10张〔录音室专辑〕1994~2022 CD/32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-12 8162 lovemmusic 前天 07:18
262:Alan Parsons ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1992~2022 CD/24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-11 10245 lovemmusic 前天 07:14
260:Einsturzende Neubauten ×17张〔录音室专辑〕1981~2024 CD/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-10 6189 lovemmusic 前天 07:07
259:Helloween ×17张〔录音室专辑〕1985~2021 24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-10 11190 lovemmusic 前天 07:05
迷幻/放克摇滚/新迷幻/世界:Khruangbin《24CD》2014-2024/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2024-4-9 12288 powerma 2024-4-18 14:07
前卫金属核:Erra《10CD》2010-2024/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2024-4-9 9260 shmbshm 2024-4-21 12:11
独立摇滚/车库摇滚:The Black Keys《10CD》2012-2024/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2024-4-9 7249 morbiddevil 3 天前
说唱硬核/后硬核:FEVER 333《9CD》2018-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-4-8 10176 小胖子mxj 3 天前
256:Red Hot Chili Peppers ×13张〔录音室专辑〕1984~2022 24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree  ...2 ivegetable 2024-4-7 15298 gaodairock 昨天 15:49
255:Apocalyptica ×9张〔录音室专辑〕1996~2020 24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree  ...2 ivegetable 2024-4-7 18308 死亡暗影 3 天前
252:Imagine Dragons ×6张〔录音室专辑〕2012~2022 24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-7 12268 dd1224 7 天前
251:Eurythmics ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1981~1999 24/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-7 9245 jameswjs 2024-4-13 12:08
华语摇滚:1995-2005-红星壹号-红星音乐十周年台... - [售价 12 碟CD] attach_img 赵不贵 2024-4-6 7423 bloodtwin 2024-4-17 01:12
250:ACCEPT ×16张〔录音室专辑〕1979~2021 32/192/Vinyl/BDP  ...2 ivegetable 2024-4-6 17369 zypeng2002 5 天前
249:Siouxsie and the Banshees ×11张〔录音室专辑〕1978~1995 32/96/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-5 7215 soulfly1989 2024-4-10 11:13
国摇合集:魔岩十大魔王之群魔乱舞-摇滚北京123-阴影乐队... attach_img 赵不贵 2024-4-5 13503 gino_lv 2024-4-20 21:48
245:BLUR ×9张〔录音室专辑〕1991~2023 CD/32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-3 13219 asF0r 5 天前
244:Talk Talk ×5张〔录音室专辑〕1982~1991 32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-3 3183 xiazibin 2024-4-13 09:00
243:Men At Work ×3张〔录音室专辑〕1981~1985 32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-3 2128 bierhofflc 2024-4-9 19:45
激流:Coroner《Discography》1987-2016/FLAC/BD attach_img agree 616731942 2024-4-1 11324 死亡暗影 3 天前
240:Kate Bush ×9张〔录音室专辑〕1978~2011 32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-4-1 14257 isismail 2024-4-17 22:10
239:R.E.M. ×15张〔录音室专辑〕1983~2011 CD/BDP agree  ...2 ivegetable 2024-3-31 19293 ivegetable 3 天前
238:Pixies ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1988~2022 32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-3-31 10196 zjzichai 4 天前
237:Venom ×15张〔录音室专辑〕1981~2018 CD/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-3-31 10231 kafucha 2024-4-24 00:14
236:The Police ×5张〔录音室专辑5SACD+5Vinyl〕1978~1983 SACD/32/96/BDP agree  ...2 ivegetable 2024-3-31 17234 colintony 3 天前
前卫金属核:IAMONE《11CD》2018-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-3-30 5146 eltonwjx 2024-4-10 13:52
香颂/嘻哈/流行/摇滚:Staffорд63《140CD》2018-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-3-30 4139 bierhofflc 2024-3-31 21:09
234:Phil Collins ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1981~2010 32/96/Vinyl/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-3-29 14263 bachni600089@tb 2024-4-23 09:18
232:Black Flag ×5张〔3录音室专辑+2精选辑〕1981~1985 24/192/Vinyl/DP agree  ...2 ivegetable 2024-3-29 17292 zhanjian111 2024-4-15 11:22
另类/流行摇滚:三天的雨《18CD》2019-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-3-29 7192 napahai 2024-4-15 15:21
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