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Beaux Arts Trio《Haydn 全集 Complete Philips Recordings 1979》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2345 百亿基金   2022-7-31 662624 kaixin111 5 天前
Beaux Arts Trio《Beethoven 全集 Complete Philips Recordings 2017》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2345 百亿基金   2022-7-31 712555 kaixin111 5 天前
亚当‧费雪《海顿交响曲全集 The Complete Symphonies 2016》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2345 百亿基金   2022-7-31 742103 步步围银 5 天前
古斯塔夫·马勒Gustav Mahler:交响曲1-10/RCO Live 11碟套装/BDMV/216G/BD - [阅读权限 30]attachment agree  ...2 落日鸣鴂   2022-7-30 27193 yejuntao 2024-1-25 20:25
美新古典:The Piano Guys 《9CD》 2012-2020 24bit/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 szemaeyre 2022-7-19 1073976 coconut_brand 5 天前
《贝多芬诞辰250年纪念典藏版》118CD/FLAC/115 新人帖 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 dingboshi 2022-7-17 1193915 Sgt.Cao 2024-3-17 11:06
DRV-097 齐默尔曼 肖邦4首叙事曲、船歌、幻想曲 DSD REMASTERED - [阅读权限 60]attach_img agree  ...2345 Boweyy 2022-7-5 63830 詹士森 2023-10-14 14:50
VA《100 Best of Bach》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attachment agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-6-12 422482 choicechoice 2024-4-4 16:27
《2008版留声机古典百大唱片》229CDs/FLAC分轨/BD heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 KANE519 2022-6-12 1424964 202020610009 2024-4-12 21:41
RCA Living Stereo 系列收藏VOL.1(60CD)FLAC分轨/BD 新人帖 heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 KANE519 2022-6-11 1153849 火美人 2024-4-12 08:11
伟大的艺术《玛丽亚·尤迪娜的艺术》26张CD/CT attachment agree  ...234 夜店老baby 2022-5-31 482269 牛板筋的金 2023-11-6 16:27
VA《Debussy:Classical Moments》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attachment agree  ...2 llboy76 2022-5-27 271931 fluid1206 2024-4-21 19:20
VA《Bach:Classical Moments》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...2 llboy76 2022-5-25 151343 itcM2U 2023-1-1 00:01
VA《Mozart:Classical Moments》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attachment agree  ...2 llboy76 2022-5-24 261576 jiabao47 2024-2-20 10:45
VA《The Magic of Classical Music:Debussy》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-5-17 441995 fluid1206 2024-4-21 19:28
VA《The Magic of Classical Music:Bach》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-5-17 402457 hereme 2023-9-1 12:38
VA《The Magic of Classical Music:Chopin》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...234 llboy76 2022-5-17 492154 静心禅乐 2023-8-2 13:39
VA《The Magic of Classical Music:Mozart》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attachment agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-5-17 372268 hereme 2023-8-27 12:06
VA《Debussy:Rainy Day Classical》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-5-13 352465 fluid1206 2024-4-21 19:21
VA《Bach:Rainy Day Classical》2022/16bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attachment agree  ...23 llboy76 2022-5-12 301916 kmmuq75 2022-11-19 21:22
SONY 古乐名厂VIVARTE 精选2[VIVARTE 60CD Collection Vol. 2] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 Kane2083 2022-3-10 1386905 shurtz 7 天前
Vivaldi The Four Seasons 维瓦尔第四季多版本演绎《179CD》FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 Kane2083 2022-3-9 1576938 ctl570912 12 小时前
DRV-091 莫扎特第41号交响曲 伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐 DSD128 - [阅读权限 60]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 Boweyy 2022-2-11 1492958 滚滚滚古古怪怪 2023-3-27 09:57
原抓打包:班得瑞《16CD》wav+cue/百度网盘 - [售价 80 碟CD] heatlevel  ...23456..10 帅帅的冲 2022-2-2 1398824 ybw009 2024-4-7 23:10
Eloquence Australia《2021 Edition of Maag》20CD/BD agree  ...2345 beyang 2022-1-7 666685 pi314 2024-1-13 05:22
DG《Henryk Szeryng Complete Edition》44CD/无损/BD heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 beyang 2022-1-7 1328693 yubaba622403 2024-4-15 20:38
Scribendum《The Art of Maria Yudina》26CD/BD agree  ...234 beyang 2022-1-6 574479 morenzhiyu 2024-2-2 20:50
NAXOS《Michael Gielen Edition Vol.9 Beethoven SWR》9CD+1DVD/BD New agree  ...234 beyang 2022-1-6 513933 wuhe1989 2023-5-13 19:59
NAXOS《Michael Gielen Edition Vol.6 Mahler SWR》15CD+1DVD/BD agree  ...234 beyang 2022-1-6 543910 tonycheung99 2023-11-7 14:40
Decca《More Than Just Amadeus: Celebrating 60 Years》60CD/BD heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 beyang 2022-1-6 1055621 yejuntao 2023-11-12 20:39
DG《The Complete Opera & Vocal Recordings of Karl Bohm》70CD/APE/BD agree  ...23456..7 beyang 2022-1-4 945304 jrz2004 2024-3-20 17:23
Decca《Complete Decca & Philips Recordings of Karl Bohm》38CD/APE/BD heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 beyang 2022-1-4 1045490 火美人 4 天前
Decca《Herbert Blomstedt - The San Francisco Years》15CD/FLAC/BD agree  ...23456 beyang 2022-1-4 784796 火美人 4 天前
Deutsche Grammophon《Wilhelm Kempff Edition》80CD/FLAC/BD heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 beyang 2022-1-4 1196041 shurtz 2024-4-16 10:10
古典:VA《DECCA 迪卡之声》FLAC/46CD/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 darksunme 2021-12-3 1608559 火美人 3 天前
德意志留声机历史典藏 Deutsche Grammophon Collection 100CD (FLAC)/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 wumingshi 2021-11-26 24210389 RZCXY123888 2024-3-31 09:53
[DRV5]DRV-088贝多芬第六交响曲"田园"卡尔伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐 - [阅读权限 60]attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 Boweyy 2021-10-14 1754451 夏葉 2023-2-15 20:15
富尔特文格勒 DG和DECCA录音全集《34CD》百度云盘 - [售价 10 碟CD] attachment  ...23456 静听雨声 2021-10-4 826775 yang8800s 2024-4-2 13:41
巴赫((Bach)333周年纪念作品全集/flac+cue/百度云/222CD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..24 mexxx 2021-9-8 35616081 kaixin111 7 天前
DRV-086 Schubert Piano Trio No.2 双版本 DSD128 Remastered - [阅读权限 60]attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 Boweyy 2021-7-24 1093209 夏葉 2023-2-15 20:18
V.A《黄金古典珍藏馆》10CD/珍藏版/CT heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 CHENYZ1125   2021-7-17 1099269 yousky 2023-10-28 17:28
小提琴江湖第一花郑京和《40周年传奇经典》19CD/APE/CT attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 jwlzc998 2021-7-10 1157045 火美人 昨天 07:52
Esoteric SACD《141專輯》另外請大家補齊幾張/度盘 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 stevenk 2021-2-19 18512783 brucetse 2024-3-12 22:42
日本環球唱片SHM-SACD系列《120碟》DSF+ISO/度盘 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 stevenk 2021-2-8 22816049 又是雨天 7 天前
DRV-079 BEETHOVEN SYMPHONY NO.5 CARLOS KLEIBER/VPO DSD REMASTERED DSD128 - [阅读权限 20]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 Boweyy 2021-1-6 136982 mikecn 2024-3-21 12:23
DRV-076 ODE AN DIE FREIHEIT 贝九自由颂 伯恩斯坦在柏林 DSD128 - [阅读权限 20]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 Boweyy 2020-12-18 113968 欧阳俊 2023-9-17 23:31
DRV-068 [双版本] 德沃夏克第九交响曲 卡拉扬 VPO DSD128/DSF - [阅读权限 20]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..15 Boweyy 2020-10-5 2151736 kaiserreich 2024-3-13 13:58
DRV-067[双版本][首发]贝多芬第九交响曲 ‘63现场 卡尔伯姆 - [阅读权限 20]attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 Boweyy 2020-9-26 1351508 宗近小白 2023-7-24 01:32
DRV-066 吉尔列斯 - 贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲 “悲怆”&“月光” DSD128 - [阅读权限 20]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 Boweyy 2020-9-19 2031726 brucetse 2024-3-12 22:46
Wilhelm Furtwangler《107CD》The Legacy 套装/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 yncgljf 2020-9-3 12310011 chxhc135 2024-4-17 10:49
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