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DJ,Disco,House,Dance,Trance等下载 今日: 25 |主题: 1554|排名: 19 


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[disco] 意迪斯科:Mono Band & Eddy Mi Ami《Come Back》2022_Remix/FLAC/XLYP attach_img 最终之战 2023-1-6 131032 蓝莲花 6 天前
[disco] 猛士的士高第一集 APE/115网盘 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..22 zzyzxyzzyzxy 2013-9-1 31831464 hqqzcf 7 天前
[disco] 【CDM系列】野人王 General Base-Base Of Love-CDM-1994【FLAC/整轨/115】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 街角 2014-7-8 14017652 zjzichai 2024-4-17 15:04
[disco] CRAZY FROG《Crazy Hits》疯狂小青蛙的士高 FLAC整轨 百度云 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 CDbao 实名认证 2014-5-14 15020145 frel 2024-4-16 02:40
[disco] 最好的荷东精选:100首/无损/百度盘 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..22 appleoo 2019-1-22 32722534 zhenggan110 2024-4-13 18:43
[disco] 欧舞:港版荷东/12CD/无损/百度盘 attach_img digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 appleoo 2018-1-25 46742091 zhenggan110 2024-4-13 18:27
[disco] Space《Just Blue》1979/DSD/BD attach_img agree  ...23 墨客接榫 2021-12-21 413160 lyk0612 2024-4-11 19:33
[disco] 摇头嗨碟 摇头狂潮《摇头玩2(串烧版)》WAV+CUE/CT attach_img agree 夜店老baby 2021-10-11 71700 bluexll 2024-4-8 16:40
[disco] 群星-最DISCO 顶级汽车CD《爱车慢摇 英文版》WAV+CUE/CT agree  ...2 zhlmg 2020-4-8 151513 zpo 2024-4-1 18:18
[disco] 群星-迪厅舞场新潮流首选《你HOLD住吗中文DISCO 4CD》WAV/CT agree zhlmg 2020-3-23 31253 zpo 2024-3-22 21:56
[disco] 台湾荷东串烧:无损/4CD/百度盘 heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 appleoo 2019-1-18 1279283 grandlau 2024-3-22 10:21
[disco] 群星-至尊慢摇王中王《金色风暴·草原风情摇滚DSD》WAV/CT agree zhlmg 2020-3-25 101336 戴天2024 2024-3-21 19:27
[disco] 群星-激情舞曲《飚车一族速度与激情7英文串烧DISCO》WAV/CT agree  ...2 zhlmg 2021-11-14 282449 hspeed 2024-3-19 16:50
[disco] VA《10张Disco、House、Dance》2021/FLAC/BD/5.44G attachment digest  ...2345 最终之战 2023-2-24 662584 rhbluesky 2024-3-13 20:50
[disco] 群星-荷东新时代Disco《The Best of Hollywood East2CD》WAV+CUE/CT agree  ...234 zhlmg 2020-4-9 543824 chenxiaoxu2021 2024-3-6 22:22
[disco] ZYX Italo Disco New Generation/22CD无损合集/百度盘 attachment digest agree  ...23456 appleoo 2018-1-30 7710296 xueyl 2024-3-2 11:44
[disco] 电子/浩室:Adassiya《Mektoub》2023/24_FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2024-2-5 4177 jalwf 2024-2-28 15:20
[disco] 群星-酒吧首选嗨碟《DISCO电音之王·中文串烧的士高》WAV+CUE/CT agree  ...2 zhlmg 2020-5-22 232524 zjy2010 2024-2-28 12:31
[disco] 迪斯科:Roy《Shooting Star》(Maxi-Single)1987(2023)FLAC/BD attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2023-8-22 19747 mrdarren 2024-2-27 21:05
[disco] 荷東经典舞曲(Italo-Disco) Radiorama – Yeti - Apr 1987, FLAC agree  ...23 我爱Metalrokck 2019-2-5 323068 hotrock 2024-2-14 11:06
[disco] 宝马客户私人定制第二张全中文经典怀旧DJ车载大碟/百度MP3 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..20 djxqwq 2015-7-30 29929191 wzy12121 2024-2-13 13:18
[disco] 群星-热力英文DISCO《先锋打碟机·英文慢摇2号 2CD》WAV+CUE/CT agree zhlmg 2020-5-17 131384 夜末流离 2024-2-12 16:16
[disco] 群星-激情尖叫DISCO《唐伯虎点秋香 3CD》WAV+CUE/CT zhlmg 2022-10-15 12647 cr00989 2024-2-7 08:04
[disco] 补全计划:ZYX Italo Disco New Generation/1-12/flac / 百度盘 attachment digest agree  ...23 appleoo 2019-9-17 363996 xueyl 2024-2-5 23:27
[disco] 《I Love ZYX Italo Disco Collection》全集32G [FLAC+CUE/BD] attachment digest agree  ...23456 appleoo 2018-1-26 8612460 xueyl 2024-2-5 23:22
[disco] 台湾荷东精选:30首/无损/百度盘 heatlevel  ...23456..8 appleoo 2019-1-21 1119301 我是幸福ing 2024-2-5 08:54
[disco] 宝马客户私人定制怀旧经典英文劲摇DJ/MP3百度 heatlevel  ...23456..10 djxqwq 2015-7-27 13516017 longyungongzi 2024-1-31 15:41
[disco] 群星-与众不同舞曲风格《舒服吧·劲爆中文的士高》WAV+CUE/CT zhlmg 2020-10-13 81805 guoquande 2023-12-15 12:47
[disco] 欧舞:自选荷东《42首顶级音质》无损/百度盘 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..19 appleoo 2018-4-11 27523705 shiruibang 2023-12-4 19:21
[disco] Various Artists《Disco Funk Party》2CD 320KMP3/百度云 attach_img agree  ...234 zifiyv 实名认证 2013-7-16 497010 wuge 2023-11-18 03:21
[disco] 欧洲迪斯科:Fancy《I'm Still A Fool》2021_Single/FLAC/BD attachment  ...2 最终之战 2023-3-21 19840 bierhofflc 2023-11-12 17:57
[disco] VA:Chillout Your Mind《Lounge Collection》2017-2020/FLAC/BD attachment digest agree  ...234 墨客接榫 2020-12-15 543900 sabern 2023-11-8 21:59
[disco] 群星-开创DISCO慢摇新纪元《BEST 最动感电音英文舞曲2CD》WAV/CT agree  ...2 zhlmg 2021-5-16 172591 baby_cool 2023-11-7 15:38
[disco] 意迪斯科:Beach Club Records(Ken Martina)《119CD》2013-2020/FLAC/HCY attach_img digest  ...2 最终之战 2020-12-15 242922 cr00989 2023-10-24 12:43
[disco] Italo-Disco:Savage《Love And Rain》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至6楼] ...2 最终之战 2020-6-11 232897 bierhofflc 2023-10-18 00:18
[disco] 嗨爆~节奏感强的重低音 Karma - Every Time You Leave [192K/MP3/百度] heatlevel  ...23456..26 James 实名认证 2013-3-5 38328711 wswy 2023-10-16 18:25
[disco] Club House/Nu-Disco/Funky:Purple Disco Machine《Exotica》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2022-5-14 221550 BangS 2023-10-12 06:16
[disco] 群星-重装土高发烧音乐《民歌疯潮 民歌的士高 3CD》WAV/CT agree [最终之战已阅至2楼] ...2 zhlmg 2020-4-4 181943 生来是个铁匠 2023-10-7 17:08
[disco] 群星《飚车一族速度与激情7英文串烧DISCO》[WAV/CUE/百度] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..29 微笑面对 2015-12-19 42935172 badbadee 2023-10-7 17:00
[disco] 群星-最炫舞曲《一路激情[中文版] DISCO》WAV+CUE/CT agree zhlmg 2020-8-8 41008 jrz2004 2023-10-6 11:54
[disco] 首创民歌DISCO《HIFI民歌迪高王Ⅱ-红歌风暴DISCO》WAV/CT agree  ...23 zhlmg 2020-3-19 302760 weny5127 2023-10-3 18:40
[disco] 群星- 酒吧舞厅《的士高》粤语劲歌集 【APE+CUE/快传+百度】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..19 醉耳 实名认证 2013-8-26 27829633 405785894 2023-10-1 13:34
[disco] 群星-极品DISCO-24K金蝶《抒情慢摇》WAV+CUECT agree zhlmg 2020-5-19 41463 aeonatt 2023-9-12 14:27
[disco] 时尚诱惑激情舞动《电音舞曲》英文版[WAV+CUE+百度云] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..30 taishi813 实名认证 2016-2-27 43539035 yansongfj 2023-9-7 21:00
[disco] 宝丽金跳舞街-宝丽金80/90年代劲歌劲舞经典老歌-ape 无损hifi attach_img  ...23456..27 CDbao 实名认证 2011-11-24 39145537 再相遇 2023-8-2 13:31
[disco] 最强DISCO音乐,劲爆Dj 十年来最High的迪厅音乐 128KMP3 digest recommend  ...23456..208 sixwire 实名认证 2009-8-16 3112319781 acfun 2023-7-26 01:24
[disco] 猛士的士高——80年代经典舞曲 agree  ...23456..21 zzyzxyzzyzxy 2012-3-15 30034468 学学锦锦 2023-7-17 16:15
[disco] 宠物店男孩 Pet Shop Boys《The Complete Singles Collection》1991/ALAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 lulllust 2019-10-10 273151 cswu2260 2023-7-3 17:06
[disco] 猛龙的士高 NRG镜像 打包下载 无损CD attach_img  ...23456..7 CDbao 实名认证 2010-10-14 10220691 yongzhong 2023-7-2 22:49
[disco] 群星-必藏精品《慢HIGH舞王DISGO(蓝色玻璃&反射) 2CD》WAV+CUE/CT agree zhlmg 2020-4-7 31156 背包 2023-6-21 13:05
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