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Black Stone Cherry《Live From The Royal Albert Hall... Y'All!》2022/24bit/4... attachment agree llboy76 2022-6-28 81351 gas111 2023-11-14 20:08
迷幻:VA《Cwb Melting, Vol. 01》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-10-11 7415 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-14 19:56
氛围:Sebby Kowal《There Is Light》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-10-11 5454 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-14 19:56
迷幻:Oliwave《Alive Memory》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-10-11 6424 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-14 19:55
(应求)Peabo Bryson《2CD》1991-1994/日版/FLAC/CT attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2021-1-19 253705 BLUE-EARTH 2023-11-14 18:04
灵魂/软摇滚:Peabo Bryson《Through the Fire》1994/WAV/度盘 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 caiyun28 2019-8-27 213172 BLUE-EARTH 2023-11-14 17:54
VA《Excavated Shellac:An Alternate History of the World’s Music》2020/FLAC attach_img digest 最终之战 2021-2-8 21211 tmpp71 2023-11-13 17:37
Various Artists《Best of Soul, Funk, R&B》2022/FLAC_192 kHz/HCY/8.79G attachment digest  ...23456 最终之战 2022-4-7 805729 tmpp71 2023-11-13 16:55
Various Artists《Best of Rock》2022/FLAC_192 kHz/HCY/9.19G attachment digest  ...2345 最终之战 2022-4-7 655219 tmpp71 2023-11-13 16:55
Various Artists《Best of Pop》2022/FLAC_192 kHz/HCY/8.01G attachment digest  ...2345 最终之战 2022-4-7 725561 tmpp71 2023-11-13 16:49
Shakira《37CD》精选+现场+EP+西专+英专/FLAC/115+种子 attachment heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至122楼] ...23456..13 最终之战 2014-3-29 18318564 考究头发 2023-11-13 16:36
失效地址分享 Scorpions...t_Of_Scorpions》-_1984.rar 臭臭娃 2014-8-30 23166 金属鸟人 2023-11-13 12:47
Scorpions With The Berliner Philharmoniker《Moment Of Glory》FLAC/BD - [阅读权限 50]- [售价 20 碟CD] agree lkb791112 2019-10-2 556 金属鸟人 2023-11-13 12:09
真正HDCD。Scorpions-The Millenium Collection【Flac分轨】【迅雷】 attach_img digest agree  ...234 dimalam 实名认证 2012-8-24 498518 金属鸟人 2023-11-13 12:08
Mairead Nesbitt 莱丝比《雨精灵》(Raining Up )[APE+CUE/整轨/快传] attach_img James 实名认证 2012-10-7 143342 JimJim 2023-11-13 11:54
Scorpions《Rock Believer (Deluxe)》2022/24bit/96kHZ/FLAC/CT attachment  ...2 llboy76 2022-2-26 282593 金属鸟人 2023-11-13 10:16
美流行嘻哈:Doja Cat《音视频》专辑+单曲+MV/HCY attach_img  ...234 最终之战 2020-9-13 453894 6013834 2023-11-13 01:54
英国UK单曲榜TOP40 (2023年9月8日)2023/FLAC/CT/夸克 attach_img agree llboy76 2023-9-12 10669 e4992 2023-11-12 22:24
英国UK单曲榜TOP40 (2023年10月20日)2023/FLAC/CT/夸克 attach_img agree llboy76 2023-10-21 9443 e4992 2023-11-12 22:17
英国UK单曲榜TOP40 (2023年10月27日)2023/FLAC/CT/夸克 attach_img agree llboy76 2023-10-29 14668 e4992 2023-11-12 22:16
英国UK单曲榜TOP40 (2023年11月3日)2023/FLAC/CT/夸克 attach_img agree llboy76 2023-11-4 11460 e4992 2023-11-12 22:15
休闲沙发:VA《Sunset Emotions Vol. 7》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-21 8359 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:46
休闲弗拉门戈:VA《Formentera Solaire Chill》2022/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-21 9351 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:46
电子/休闲/慢摇/弗拉明科:VA《Andalucia Chill - Calm Hammam》2023/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-10-21 6375 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:46
新世纪:Gandalf《Gates To Secret Realities》2010/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-21 11383 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:44
电子/慢摇/休闲:VA《Dubai Lounge Chillers, Vol. 3》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-10-21 10362 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:40
民族融合:VA《The Orient Collective:Echoes of the East》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 6374 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:38
民族融合:VA《The Orient Collective:Ethereal Odyssey》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 6368 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:37
民族融合:VA《The Orient ..:From the Ancient Lands》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 8367 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:37
民族融合:VA《The Orient Collective:Mystica》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 6372 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:36
民族融合:VA《The Orient Collective:Mystical Sounds of...》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 6335 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:36
民族融合:VA《The Orient Collective:Oriental Expedition》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 9419 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:36
民族融合:VA《The Orient Collective:Vimana》2023/FLAC/CT attach_img agree 蓝指扣 2023-10-24 12474 打雷我怕谁 2023-11-12 20:35
Lil Nas X《MONTERO》2021/FLAC/CT/GD attachment  ...23456..7 llboy76 2021-9-17 936848 cy319 2023-11-12 18:52
复古迪斯科Euro Disco - The Lost Legends 《30CD》2017-2019/FLAC/BD attachment digest agree  ...23456 混在it 2020-7-14 857456 bierhofflc 2023-11-12 18:01
电子流行Fancy《Shock And Show(30th Anniversary Edition)》2015/FLAC/BD+115 attach_img 最终之战 2015-12-7 131581 bierhofflc 2023-11-12 17:57
乡村:Jimmy Sarr《Blue》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-8-26 8493 冰冰凉 2023-11-12 17:56
德流行舞曲Fancy 1985-2008《27CD》flac/百度 - [阅读权限 30]attach_img digest agree metal 2016-7-1 11124 bierhofflc 2023-11-12 17:55
德国电子乐队 666 - Discography (1997-2007) 合集【FLAC/BD】 attach_img digest agree  ...23 appleoo 2018-1-3 345272 bierhofflc 2023-11-12 17:49
休闲沙发:《Afternoon Chillout Lounge: Chillout Your Mind》2020 FL... attachment agree  ...2 美丽分享 2021-4-30 162908 zdhtmp 2023-11-12 15:54
索尼小金标 Hi-Res:Alanis Morissette《Jagged Little Pill》2005/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 jincheng1229 2017-9-19 334317 zhangwill 2023-11-12 15:40
(应求)乡村:The Judds《6CD》1984-2011/FLAC/BD attachment  ...2345 最终之战 2020-1-16 625137 kmyxy 2023-11-12 12:56
氛围/圣诞音乐:Gloria Estefan《Estefan Family Christmas》 attach_img 最终之战 2023-1-9 111290 suhuanzhen 2023-11-12 10:57
红粉佳人P!nk《Hurts 2B Human》2019/FLAC/CT attach_img agree  ...2345 DejaVuu 2019-4-30 677358 charliescut 2023-11-12 09:19
英国UK单曲榜TOP40 (2023年3月3日)2023/FLAC/CT/夸克/迅雷 agree llboy76 2023-3-4 121085 NormalGold123 2023-11-12 01:28
Various Artists《I Am Woman》2022/FLAC/HCY attachment digest  ...2 最终之战 2022-9-16 242172 tmpp71 2023-11-12 00:25
Various Artists《Electronic Smash Hits》2022/FLAC/HCY attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2022-9-17 171854 tmpp71 2023-11-12 00:24
2022年11月11日发行新单曲 2022/FLAC/CT/夸克 digest agree  ...2 llboy76 2022-11-12 151263 perfectmusic85 2023-11-12 00:10
电台司令:Radiohead《A Moon Shaped Pool》2016/FLAC_TR24_OF/度盘/611.1MB attachment [最终之战已阅至47楼] ...23456 最终之战 2016-5-16 859391 kdb17wsl 2023-11-11 22:47
PinkPantheress《to hell with it (Remixes)》2022/24bit/44.1kHZ/FLAC/CT attach_img agree llboy76 2022-1-28 91535 NormalGold123 2023-11-11 22:35
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