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独立摇滚:Olivia Valentine《Reverberations》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-25 6578 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 11:24
独立摇滚:The Silence Engine《Eternally Dreaming》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-25 4637 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 11:24
重迷幻/石人金属:Astrodeath《Vol. II》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-25 5676 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 11:23
Theodor《Theodor》2023/24-96_FLAC/BD attach_img agree lrpyyy00001 2023-5-26 9645 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 11:18
硬摇:Skarnet《Faengslet i det fri》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 6836 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:05
硬摇:NormBreaker《The Beginning》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 5752 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:04
硬摇:Matt Tebow《Premonitions》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 5755 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:02
硬摇:House of Shakira《XIT》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 5812 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:02
摇滚:Magnolia Black《Magnolia Black》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 6811 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:01
硬摇:Floodfall《Unbroken》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 6706 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:00
硬摇:Halocene《Maleficent》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 7751 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-8 09:00
DRV-S005 "ZEPPELIN IV" DSD REMASTERED VERSION DSD64/DSF/BD attachment digest agree  ...23456 Boweyy 2020-4-13 855671 DY1022 2023-6-8 01:10
美国前卫金属精品 Shadow Gallery《6CD》1992-2009日版/FLAC/BD - [售价 100 碟CD] attach_img 雪澈00 2019-10-7 41587 ThrashMetalHead 2023-6-7 23:26
前卫/迷幻摇:Atsuko Chiba《Water,It Feels Like It's Growing》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-5-31 7678 ppppz 2023-6-7 22:02
美独立摇滚:梦泡乐队《兔子》2003/24-96_FLAC/BD attach_img agree lrpyyy00001 2023-6-6 7742 ppppz 2023-6-7 21:52
金属:Symbiontic《The Sun and the Darkness》2023/24-48_FLAC/BD attach_img agree wxchtbb1975 2023-6-3 10881 kenny_yam 2023-6-7 21:37
力量:Walk With Titans《Olympian Dystopia》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-3 7925 kenny_yam 2023-6-7 21:37
硬摇:Vermilion Whiskey《Crimson & Stone》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img asimeylada 2023-6-3 8843 kenny_yam 2023-6-7 21:36
摇滚:Nick Mantoan & The Bow Lane Band《Got to Roll Me》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-6-7 3788 kenny_yam 2023-6-7 21:31
技术死:A Pretext To Human Suffering《苦痛永继》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-6-7 3802 nilemania 2023-6-7 21:28
斯洛文尼亚:新金属核Within Destruction《Lotus》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-5 5753 zhoujieba 2023-6-7 20:22
迷幻摇:All Them Witches《Baker's Dozen》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-5-26 7613 blindcat 2023-6-7 18:44
经典/复古:Sweat《Who Do They Think They Are?》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-5-29 4705 blindcat 2023-6-7 17:57
力量:Mystic Prophecy《Hellriot》2023/FLAC/YDYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-5-29 6709 blindcat 2023-6-7 17:56
前卫:The Ocean《Holocene》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-28 4896 blindcat 2023-6-7 17:55
挪威迷幻摇/太空摇:Kanaan《Downpour》2023/24-48_FLAC/BD 最终之战 2023-5-26 6637 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:55
硬摇:Skreen 6《Rockin' Head》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 7960 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:54
硬摇:Space Queen《Nebula》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 10800 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:53
硬摇:Sweet & Lynch《Heart & Sacrifice》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 7656 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:53
另类/独立:The Murlocs《Calm Ya Farm》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-26 4514 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:52
重金属:Elegant Weapons《Horns For A Halo》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-29 10947 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:46
硬摇:Mike Tramp《Songs Of White Lion》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-28 9987 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:17
摇滚:oleUm《5CD》2016-2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-29 10837 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:16
前卫死亡金属:Phlebotomized《Clouds of Confusion》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-5-30 10969 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:11
The Beatles《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》更稀有的MFSL卡带/BD - [售价 60 碟CD] attach_img gong939 2023-5-22 4900 刘日白 2023-6-7 17:08
前卫金属核:Konami Kode《Level One》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-1 5707 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:07
交响金:Dying Phoenix《凛冬将至》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-3 81045 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 17:07
白俄残死:Extermination Dismemberment《3CD》2010-2013/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2018-9-9 122440 minuet 2023-6-7 16:53
国摇沪语摇滚:老油条《2CD》HiRes FLAC/BD agree  ...23 fkdooop 2022-3-16 422767 陈楚言之歌 2023-6-7 15:57
迷幻摇/独立流行:Avey Tare《7s》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-5-31 7702 eltonwjx 2023-6-7 15:33
后摇/迷幻摇:Bardo Pond《Bardo Pond, Vol. 3》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-5-31 11993 eltonwjx 2023-6-7 15:32
后摇/迷幻/另类民谣:Smote《Genog》2023/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2023-6-1 7596 eltonwjx 2023-6-7 15:28
美重金属:Haunt《Golden Arm》2023/24-48_FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2023-6-2 10638 eltonwjx 2023-6-7 15:25
左小祖咒《乌兰巴托的三个夜晚实况》/2019/FLAC分轨/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 bnjhxyr 2019-7-21 11710618 dcdesign76 2023-6-7 15:04
安托利亚/迷幻/摇滚:Altın Gün《Aşk (Ask)》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-31 5885 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 14:29
硬摇:Fugitive《Nobody Gets out Alive》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-1 9831 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 14:26
迷幻:Chromacolor《Chromacolor (Self Released)》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-6-1 6876 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 14:26
独立摇滚:Deerhoof《Miracle-Level》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-31 6851 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 14:22
死亡/旋律:Hypocrisy《The Fourth Dimension 》1994(2023重灌)/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-31 101062 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 14:18
迷幻/力量:Reasons Behind《Architecture of an Ego》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-5-30 6695 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-7 14:17
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