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独立摇:Juka Trashy《Auto Fiction》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-3 31133 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:20
美经典/民谣/迷幻摇:Gentlehood《Gentlehood》(1973)2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-3 141595 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:19
智利泥浆厄运:Humanotone《2CD》全集/FLAC/BD attachment agree hagal 2022-4-3 81630 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:18
英经典摇滚/布鲁斯摇:Medicine Head《Warriors of Love》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-8 91368 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:16
英经典摇滚:Leigh Highwood Band《Lost in the Wind》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-8 101473 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:15
荷兰经典摇滚:Sloper《Pulverise》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 51287 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:14
澳经典摇滚:Alchemy Of Rhythm《Alchemy Of Rhythm》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 51131 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:14
美经典滚:The Immediate Family《The Immediate Family》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 81052 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:13
美经典摇滚:Ghost Notes 94《Clocks and Bitches》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 5972 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:12
美经典摇滚:Joe Jammer《Hometown heroes》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 41181 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:11
美经典摇滚:Kenny Mathers《Imperfections》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 71035 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:11
挪威经典摇滚:Maldito《Heartlands》2021/FLAC/BD attachment  ...2 最终之战 2022-4-9 151793 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:10
美经典摇滚:Mike Mersch《Anthem》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-9 81349 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:09
美经典摇滚:moreSus4《For You》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-10 121406 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:08
美经典摇:The Staats Brothers' Band《The Staats Brothers' Band》2021/FLAC attachment 最终之战 2022-4-10 71241 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:07
斯洛伐克经典摇滚:Stolen Money《The Game》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-10 101061 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:06
瑞典70年代硬摇/经典摇滚:Electric Haze《Get In Line》2021/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2022-4-10 121319 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:05
乌克兰:Flёur《Почти живой/Сердце》2008 attach_img agree 阳光下午   2022-5-15 121592 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 13:01
德前卫/民谣/厄运:Noekk《Carol Stones and Elder Rock》2018_EP/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2022-5-24 71274 mosquitoh 2023-6-16 12:59
美金属核Hatebreed 《2CD》FLAC/百度 attach_img agree metal 2017-3-17 81488 一狼假寐 2023-6-16 11:27
工业/电子/实验:PIG《The Swining / Red, Raw & Sore》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-12 4607 wumingshi 2023-6-16 10:04
美重金:Steelheart《5CD》1990-2008/FLAC/度盘 更新地址 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 heyROCK 2016-5-26 13512264 jiemusic 2023-6-16 09:24
瑞典死亡:Unleashed《Dawn Of the Ninе》2015限量版/FLAC/BD+115 attach_img 最终之战 2015-12-18 82072 学学锦锦 2023-6-16 00:08
瑞典死金:Unleashed《No Sign of Life》2021_Hi-Res/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 wumingshi 2021-11-18 171590 学学锦锦 2023-6-16 00:05
A公馆《这个时代的爱》2013/摇滚/FLAC分轨/BD attachment agree  ...2 qihongbing 2021-12-31 212165 黑色的城市 2023-6-15 19:06
美死亡:Brutality《Sea Of Ignorance》2016/LP_FLAC_24/96/BD attachment 最终之战 2016-12-9 112635 学学锦锦 2023-6-15 18:39
DRV-094 [The Beatles] ABBEY ROAD DSD REMASTERED VERSION - [阅读权限 60]attachment digest agree  ...23456 Boweyy 2022-4-22 861877 blindcat 2023-6-15 17:15
交响:Oryad《Sacred & Profane》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-5 8810 狂人悲歌 2023-6-15 15:47
厄运/哥特:Sermon《Till Birth Do Us Part》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-5 5836 狂人悲歌 2023-6-15 15:46
哥特/厄运:The Foreshadowing《Forsaken Songs (EP)》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-6-8 4704 狂人悲歌 2023-6-15 15:43
俏妞的死亡计程车Death Cab For Cutie《横贯大西洋主义》2003/SACD attach_img agree lrpyyy00001 2023-6-15 1445 eltonwjx 2023-6-15 15:27
尼尔·诺尔曼《科幻高保真音响 Sci-Fi in Hi-Fi》2003/SACD/BD attach_img agree lrpyyy00001 2023-6-15 2563 eltonwjx 2023-6-15 13:54
国产硬摇:丝绒公路 - 青春是把上了膛的枪 2013 WAV/百度 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 Binaquarius 2015-10-5 10911424 yjy75 2023-6-15 13:00
黑胶收藏:Vader《5LP》2006-2016/FLAC/BD/8.8G attachment digest [最终之战已阅至20楼] ...23 最终之战 2018-10-8 354422 学学锦锦 2023-6-15 09:08
美数学核:The Acacia Strain 《9CD》 2002-2014/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 szemaeyre 2020-9-14 151387 学学锦锦 2023-6-15 01:34
艺术摇/前卫/新金属:Neolia《Neolia》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-6-13 4578 squirrel69 2023-6-15 00:43
前卫摇:The Pineapple Thief《Dissolution》2018/24-88 SACD 5.1/BD/3.3G attach_img 最终之战 2022-6-19 51389 gibsonbob 2023-6-14 11:56
爱尔兰独立摇:Fontaines D.C.《A Hero's Death》2020/FLAC/HCY attach_img agree wxchtbb1975 2023-6-13 3388 lane_dell 2023-6-14 11:49
爱尔兰独立摇:Fontaines D.C.《Skinty Fia》2022/24t-96_FLAC/HCY attach_img agree wxchtbb1975 2023-6-13 3441 lane_dell 2023-6-14 11:49
硬摇女嗓:Skew Siskin《6CD》1992-2007/FLAC+APE/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-2 222297 blindcat 2023-6-14 10:52
智利厄运:Uaral《Sounds of Pain...》2005/FLAC/115 attach_img agree 瞬间死亡 2015-5-8 82341 KARL76 2023-6-14 10:45
流行摇滚: OneRepublic《Deluxe Edition全集》ALAC/115 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 咚咚 2014-10-13 14212910 18017757987 2023-6-14 10:41
墙花乐队 Wallflowers & Jakob Dylan《10CD》1992-2019/FLAC/BD attach_img digest agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-25 292527 musiclover34 2023-6-14 10:15
布鲁斯摇滚:Calvin Duncan Jr《Come Along》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-13 4474 lovecats 2023-6-14 09:57
美另类摇The Wallflowers 《6CD》flac/百度 attachment agree  ...2 metal 2016-3-14 173501 musiclover34 2023-6-14 09:57
The Kinks At The BBC (5 Mini LP SHM-CD Box Set) 2012/FLAC/CT attachment agree blindcat 2023-6-14 2308 骆驼漫步 2023-6-14 09:51
肆伍乐队《选择精神觉醒或行为沉沦》2021/FLAC/分轨/百度 - [售价 10 碟CD] attachment  ...2 sniperson   2021-12-14 292038 Aulo 2023-6-14 04:27
硬金/重金:Last In Line《Jericho》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-10 7804 qdldq 2023-6-14 00:46
美残死:Viral Load《4CD》1997-2007/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2020-4-4 121725 学学锦锦 2023-6-13 17:14
混合/太空摇滚:Abel Marton Nagy's Cosmos Band《Silly Moves》2023/FLAC/XL attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-6-1 9897 Blcakbuddha 2023-6-13 14:04
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