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DRV-031 NEVERMIND DSD Remastered Version DSD128/DSF - [阅读权限 20]attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 Boweyy 2020-5-5 1041034 胡东东 2023-7-7 19:09
后金/室内乐:Ode and Elegy《Ode and Elegy》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-7 3475 femmef 2023-7-7 18:03
石人/后金/器乐:Lathe《Tongue of Silver》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-6 2441 femmef 2023-7-7 18:02
噪音/黑暗氛围/实验金属:VA《Война》2022/FLAC/天翼云盘 attach_img 最终之战 2023-7-7 0469 最终之战 2023-7-7 18:01
芬兰旋死Insomnium《Shadows Of The Dying Sun》2014/百度 attach_img agree  ...234 metal 2017-3-1 503772 Kouyou 2023-7-7 16:35
氛围/后黑/葬礼金属:Рожь《Всё》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2474 kivenmetal 2023-7-7 14:02
另类金属/后泥浆:Saint Asonia《Introvert (EP)》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-7 1455 asimeylada 2023-7-7 13:05
金属核/后硬核:Abandon The Past《Und Endlich (EP)》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-7 1448 asimeylada 2023-7-7 12:58
大气后黑:Soul Dissolution《空》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 2466 kivenmetal 2023-7-7 11:28
德前卫金Wolf Hoffmann《Headbangers Symphony》2016/flac/百度 attach_img agree metal 2016-7-2 82013 falloutter 2023-7-6 21:43
金属核/后硬核/电子:Stain The Canvas《All Fine-eniF llA》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-6 1419 asimeylada 2023-7-6 18:08
泥浆/后金/嘈杂:Terror Cell《Caustic Light》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-6 1476 asimeylada 2023-7-6 17:58
金属核/后硬核:Asuna《Extinguish》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-6 1457 asimeylada 2023-7-6 17:46
金属核/后硬核/另类:Immunity《Breathe》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-6 1420 asimeylada 2023-7-6 17:41
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds《Chasing Yesterday》2015/FLAC/分轨/百度 attach_img  ...23 zxkid 2015-3-15 386031 雾中行010 2023-7-6 16:08
全球摇滚经典精选-3CD-320Kmp3-火爆全球摇滚名曲 attach_img digest heatlevel  ...23456..41 CDbao 实名认证 2012-5-10 60558687 bye 2023-7-6 13:29
后黑:Lunar Mercia《Leaving The Fragile Space》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 4579 wumingshi 2023-7-6 11:50
智利死金:Sepulcrum《Lamentation of Immolated Souls》2023/Flac/BD agree kidfez   2023-5-27 71217 心中的日月 2023-7-6 08:35
后摇/自赏/厄运:Ison《Stars & Embers》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img asimeylada 2023-7-2 3724 femmef 2023-7-6 01:38
厄运/后金属:Ikarie《Arde》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-2 2668 femmef 2023-7-6 01:37
前卫/后金属:The Great Nothing《Sapphire Moon》2023/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2023-7-3 3413 femmef 2023-7-6 01:26
后金/氛围:A l'ombre d'Hemera《Saison de deceptions》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2424 femmef 2023-7-6 01:25
后黑:Karg《Resignation》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2478 femmef 2023-7-6 01:22
后黑/新民谣:Ofdrykkja《After the Storm》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 4498 femmef 2023-7-6 01:18
后黑:Constellatia《Magisterial Romance》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2497 femmef 2023-7-6 01:16
黑金/后金:Tombs《Ex Oblivion》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2414 femmef 2023-7-6 01:15
前卫/后金:Outer Space Experiment《Frequencies》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2537 femmef 2023-7-6 01:13
黑后金/前卫死:The Luftmensch《Execration of a Daemon Unholy》2022/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 2475 femmef 2023-7-6 01:05
大气黑/旋律黑/后黑/死亡黑:Gaerea《Mirage》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 2514 femmef 2023-7-6 01:03
抑郁黑/后黑:No Point In Living《Disaster》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 3493 femmef 2023-7-6 01:02
后硬核/电子:Falling Asleep《Heaven's Where Our Souls Belong》2023/FLAC/XL attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-3 3600 squirrel69 2023-7-5 23:41
2018年1-4月我喜欢的专辑100张分享第四期 digest agree  ...23 西陆孤楼 2018-5-23 386969 peter8088cn 2023-7-5 21:00
德老牌硬摇MAD MAX《14cd》1983-2018/FLAC/BD attachment digest agree  ...23 混在it 2018-8-23 375355 peter8088cn 2023-7-5 20:56
实验/后黑:Dreadnought《The Endless》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 1489 asimeylada 2023-7-5 17:38
泥浆/厄运/后金:Sunrot《The Unfailing Rope》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-3 2569 eltonwjx 2023-7-5 14:21
后金/泥浆/后硬核:Death Engine《Ocean》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-3 2542 eltonwjx 2023-7-5 14:18
后硬核/金属核:The Wise Man's Fear《Atlas Ruinica》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-3 2445 eltonwjx 2023-7-5 14:17
另类/后硬核/电子:Chiffre《Wastelands》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 2664 yuexuanwang 2023-7-5 11:44
实验泥浆/后金:Doodseskader《Year One》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-5 2594 yuexuanwang 2023-7-5 11:40
美布鲁斯摇Black Rebel Motorcycle Club《10CD》m4a/百度 attach_img digest agree  ...234 metal 2015-12-29 495992 Ride_Nowhere 2023-7-5 10:33
金属核/后硬核:If Not For Me《3CD》2018-2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 2443 李十一 2023-7-4 23:21
金属核/后硬核:Karmella《Marcescence (EP)》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 1481 asimeylada 2023-7-4 22:28
艺术摇滚/后朋:FACS《Still Life in Decay》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2023-6-11 5547 wolfoldtwo 2023-7-4 21:47
石人/硬摇/后核:He is Legend《Endless Hallway》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 1389 asimeylada 2023-7-4 21:11
南非另类重金:Seether《合集》2001-2021/FLAC/百度云 attachment  ...2 最终之战 2022-6-30 271853 qwqwqw222 2023-7-4 20:49
后黑:Dying Raven《Another life》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-3 2531 pbcd 2023-7-4 20:32
泥浆/厄运/后硬核:Valve《Thermoclines》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 1363 asimeylada 2023-7-4 17:21
金属核/后硬核:Future Ghost《Dark State (EP)》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-4 1428 asimeylada 2023-7-4 17:17
陈底里《疯筝》2002/FLAC/分轨/度盘 - [售价 5 碟CD] attach_img  ...23 梦一场1 2019-3-11 304421 pbcd 2023-7-4 16:48
潜逃乐队《里程碑》/APE/115 attach_img agree  ...2 晓Sirius天狼星 2016-3-31 214520 piggypiggy 2023-7-4 16:31
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