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流行摇滚:Consumed By Fire《First Things First》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img asimeylada 2023-9-27 10474 eltonwjx 2023-10-9 14:01
日另类摇 Lily Chou-Chou《呼吸》2001/FLAC/BD attach_img ddtccn 2023-9-27 8401 ashes4of7time 2024-3-25 20:59
维京/黑金属:Fornhem《Ett Fjärran Kall》2017/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 7543 eltonwjx 2023-10-9 14:01
维京金属:Sorg《Norðandrekar》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 9446 eltonwjx 2023-10-9 14:02
史诗黑:Pačess《Poupě》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 5416 eltonwjx 2023-10-9 14:03
维京金属:Einherjer《Norse And Dangerous(live)》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 6458 morbiddevil 2023-12-4 23:37
黑金属/维京:Uburen《And the Mountains Weep》2019/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 5407 eltonwjx 2023-10-9 14:04
史诗黑/厄运金属:Agnes Vein《Soulship》2013/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 6436 eltonwjx 2023-10-9 14:04
Daze in White 2021-2023《1CD1EP1单曲》24bit_48kHz/FLAC/ct agree jaytamvip 2023-9-26 1309 wdpwhx 2023-9-29 07:57
迷幻:缺省 2017-2023《1CD3EP2单曲》FLAC/ct attach_img agree  ...234 jaytamvip 2023-9-26 481015 KannyWu 昨天 23:15
美硬摇 Bang Camaro《3CD+2Singles》2007-2023/FLAC/BD attach_img agree ddtccn 2023-9-26 14457 zhanglizhuangcd 2024-6-6 22:05
原抓-瓦依那 《留歌123》3CD/FLAC+乐夏+高清24/192flac - [售价 100 碟CD] attach_img  ...2345 gong939 2023-9-26 671389 木日戈兀 7 天前
史诗力量金属:Tales and Legends《Struggle of the Gods》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 8623 荣之子 2023-10-4 12:34
史诗厄运金属:Capilla Ardiente《3CD》2009-2019/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 8472 mosquitoh 2024-3-22 15:31
Kraftwerk《Minimum Maximum》2005/FLAC/BD attach_img agree CDBao0523 2023-9-26 4295 zhanghao1979 2024-3-24 12:43
史诗厄运金属:Wheel《Preserved in Time》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 21466 wumingshi 2023-10-7 18:06
维京/黑金属:Gungnir《Ragnarök (EP)》2018/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-26 8436 wumingshi 2023-10-8 08:36
新西兰硬摇 Death Chemist《Death Chemist》2023/FLAC+Hi-Res/BD attach_img agree ddtccn 2023-9-25 9373 mosquitoh 2024-2-20 12:17
史诗黑:Inferi《The Awakening Of The Black Hordes》2005/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 7498 wumingshi 2023-10-7 14:36
史诗力量金属:Acamarachi《Rise Of The Broken》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 7440 wumingshi 2023-10-7 14:37
力量/史诗/前卫金属:Lör《In Forgotten Sleep》2017/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 6409 wumingshi 2023-10-7 14:41
民谣/维京金属:Grimner《Vanadrottning》2018/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 7390 wumingshi 2023-10-7 14:44
旋死/维京金属:Vanir《Sagas》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 6404 wumingshi 2023-10-7 14:48
维京/力量金属:Crom《Into the Glory Land》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 5429 kenny_yam 2023-9-29 11:01
民谣/维京金属:Grimner《Urfader》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 9447 kenny_yam 2023-9-29 11:00
维京/死亡金属:Rokkr《Rokkr》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 5489 Blcakbuddha 2023-9-27 13:05
力量金属:Armored Dawn《Viking Zombie》2019/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 6426 kenny_yam 2023-9-29 10:59
民谣/维京金属:Heidevolk《Wederkeer》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-25 19541 kenny_yam 2023-9-29 10:58
荷兰交响金 Within Temptation《Live In Hell》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 ddtccn 2023-9-25 15623 shilinbj 2024-3-24 12:09
蛙池《蛙池 2020-2021》2023/WAV/分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...23456 sniperson   2023-9-25 861530 zhaoxiangyong 5 天前
DengeL 单舟乐队《重啟•應许》2021/WAV分轨/百度云 attach_img agree  ...234 fendercort   2023-9-25 491166 morbiddevil 2023-12-4 23:25
杂风:Giant Claw《Mirror Guide》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 7471 powerma 2023-9-28 00:43
异教民谣/维京金属:Mjød《Invisible Forest》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 7450 gino_lv 2024-4-22 21:24
旋死/维京金属:Fenris Vrede《Fimbulvinter》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 6377 Blcakbuddha 2023-9-27 13:06
交响维京/民谣金属:Forgotten North《Ära II》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 6448 kenny_yam 2023-9-29 10:22
民谣/维京金属:Heidra《The Blackening Tide》2018/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 3439 qdldq 2023-9-26 16:04
极端/Djent/维京金属:Strandhugg《Ashes of Yggdrasil》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 2429 qdldq 2023-9-26 16:05
另类/民谣金属:Peyton Parrish《Rise of Vikingr》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 2507 scgyqz 2023-9-25 11:40
维京民谣黑:The Conquering《名见帖内》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 2432 lane_dell 2023-9-24 21:24
维京摇滚:Volund Smed《Varg》1996/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 6460 kenny_yam 2023-9-29 10:24
史诗/维京/厄运/黑金:Ereb Altor《Eldens Boning (EP)》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 2415 Blcakbuddha 2023-9-27 12:59
大气黑:Eave《Phantoms Made Permanent》2020/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 1443 asimeylada 2023-9-24 12:48
史诗旋死:Fading Aeon《The Voices Within》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 2417 qdldq 2023-9-26 16:07
史诗重金/厄运金属:Dantesco《DE La Mano DE La Muerte》2005/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 1483 asimeylada 2023-9-24 12:38
史诗黑:Ancient Mastery《The Chosen One (EP)》2021/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 4445 591rock 2023-9-26 21:09
丹麦前卫摇 The Old Man & The Sea《4CD》1994-2023/FLAC/BD attach_img agree ddtccn 2023-9-24 9490 mosquitoh 2024-1-6 22:25
史诗硬摇:Епизод《3CD》2002-2019/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 7484 lane_dell 2023-9-24 21:23
大气厄运/死亡金属:Aeon Of Eternal《Letargiya》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 2380 qdldq 2023-9-26 16:09
交响异教史诗黑:Æþelruna《Risci Bita Wudu》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 1380 asimeylada 2023-9-24 10:26
大气旋律死:Eluvian《Tales Of Ymaarenth (EP)》2022/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-9-24 1403 asimeylada 2023-9-24 10:18
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