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瑞典黑氛围Ëataë《4CD》2023-2024/WAV/BD attach_img agree hagal 2024-2-28 7432 tsgaolin 2024-4-12 12:05
地牢合成器/氛围:Ëataë 《Nidvinter II: F​ö​rborgad》2023/WAV/BD attach_img agree  ...2 ESSKEETIT 2024-2-27 18567 knightttter 2024-4-13 05:29
141:Wobbler ×5张〔录音室专辑〕2005~2020 16/44.1/BD agree ivegetable 2024-2-27 11386 myrtex 2024-5-18 21:22
140:Anglagard×3专辑+3LIVE专辑 1992~2017 16/44.1/BD agree ivegetable 2024-2-27 8486 myrtex 2024-5-18 21:22
139:Saint Vitus ×9张〔录音室专辑〕1984~2019 16/44.1/DP agree ivegetable 2024-2-27 9466 myrtex 2024-5-18 21:23
138:Trouble ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1984~2013 16/44.1/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-2-27 10436 myrtex 2024-5-18 21:25
137:Pentagram ×8张〔录音室专辑〕1984~2015 16/44.1/BDP agree ivegetable 2024-2-27 11452 myrtex 2024-5-18 21:25
听天汤《同年同月同日死》2024/WAV/分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 sniperson   2024-2-27 25537 morbiddevil 2024-5-1 09:13
英另类/硬摇/金属核:Asking Alexandria《Dark Void》2024_EP/24-96_FLAC 最终之战 2024-2-26 3424 赵不贵 2024-2-28 00:07
VA:摇滚《16张》DSF_DSD/BD digest agree 赵不贵 2024-2-26 13788 mybook341 2024-4-22 07:57
金属核/后硬核:A Scent Like Wolves《6CD》2016-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-26 9895 eltonwjx 2024-3-27 07:51
金属核:Heedless Elegance《5CD》2018-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-26 6784 eltonwjx 2024-3-27 07:52
黑暗死核:Desolate Tomb《Scorned By Misery》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-26 6815 eltonwjx 2024-3-27 07:52
摇滚:The Beatles《3CD(修复版)》1967-1969/APE/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-26 4826 asimeylada 2024-2-28 00:32
另类摇滚:Nowhere Left《Places We Couldn't Belong》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-26 4791 napahai 2024-4-22 08:30
死核:AOTB《No Return》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-26 2790 wumingshi 2024-2-26 12:25
硬摇/重金属:Ace Frehley《6CD》2009-2024/FLAC/XLYP agree  ...2 asimeylada 2024-2-26 18457 morbiddevil 2024-5-1 09:12
Bandcamp自购: Dave Holland《PRISM》2013/WAV/BD attach_img agree Funkpig 2024-2-25 4314 Switchon 2024-5-5 14:33
Lou Reed《Animal Serenade》2004/FLAC/BD attach_img agree CDBao0523 2024-2-25 4266 tsgaolin 2024-2-26 09:04
136:The Clash ×5张〔录音室专辑〕1977~1982 24/96/Vinyl/BDP digest agree ivegetable 2024-2-24 12691 myrtex 2024-5-18 21:26
前卫摇滚:Kråksmåla《Kraksmala》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-24 4756 eltonwjx 2024-3-30 14:03
交响金属|哥特|硬摇:Siblings《The Time Has Come》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-24 7811 839699438 2024-5-8 16:52
重迷幻摇滚|石人/厄运|金属:The Paladin《Cockroach Crusade》2024/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-24 3741 eltonwjx 2024-3-30 14:05
黑暗/工业|金属:Samael《Passage (Live)》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-24 6754 eltonwjx 2024-3-30 14:05
Pariah《Unity》1997/FLAC/BD attach_img agree CDBao0523 2024-2-23 3267 wgl666 2024-2-28 22:30
Harlot《Positively Downtown》1993/FLAC/BD attach_img agree CDBao0523 2024-2-23 3296 qdldq 2024-2-27 09:21
Artimus Pyle Band《Anthems Honoring The Music of Lynyrd Skynyrd》2024/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2024-2-23 6679 aa12233 2024-3-29 23:49
德金属核:Any Given Day《Limitless》2024/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2024-2-23 2459 pantera56 2024-3-6 11:12
前卫/哥特金属:The Last Embrace《The Winding Path》2015/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-23 6553 eltonwjx 2024-3-30 14:06
哥特金属:Moonlight《Yaishi》2001/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-23 5602 839699438 2024-5-8 16:56
135:Exodus ×12张〔录音室专辑〕1985~2021 32/96/BDP agree  ...2 ivegetable 2024-2-23 16478 hjssn 4 天前
民谣/哥特|金属:Crescent Lament《Land of Lost Voices》2020/FLAC/YDYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 6378 839699438 2024-5-8 16:59
民谣/哥特|金属:Crescent Lament《Elegy for the Blossoms》2015/FLAC/YDYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 5644 839699438 2024-3-18 21:53
交响/哥特|金属:Crescent Lament《Behind The Lethal Deceit》2011/FLAC/YDYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 4634 qdldq 2024-2-23 14:08
美另类摇:Amanda Palmer《New Zealand Survival Songs》2024/24-48_FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2024-2-22 7306 eltonwjx 2024-3-24 07:03
布鲁斯/摇滚:Brookwood Drive《Take A Ride On The Drive》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 5517 myhody 2024-4-12 00:24
交响/前卫金属核:Fire From Heaven《Beastward》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 3452 viper2020 2024-2-29 23:28
黑金属:Griffon《De Republica》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 4474 鸡翅杀手小磊王 2024-3-13 12:58
另类摇滚:Dust On Earth《Kill the Butterfly》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 5358 myhody 2024-4-9 23:56
激流金属:Homo Primitive《Existential Horror》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 8426 wy2006gh 2024-4-6 22:36
厄运/后金属:In Autumn《What's Done Is Done》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 2253 pantera56 2024-3-6 11:51
国产朋克合集:VA《继续嚎叫》2018/FLAC分轨/BD attach_img agree  ...23 shuxin1234   2024-2-22 42858 18877079 3 天前
后朋克/云潮/暗潮:EgóKód《ÁllóHullám》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 4314 wumingshi 2024-2-26 15:27
另类/流行/爱情|摇滚:Neverlove《23CD》2020-2024/FLAC/XLYP digest agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 6489 mosquitoh 2024-3-18 22:30
摇滚:Red Hot Chili Peppers《3CD(修复版)》1991-1999/2024/APE/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 9358 CDBao0523 2024-3-27 22:24
工业金属/哥特摇滚:Stoneman《Goldmarie 2.0》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-22 5261 pantera56 2024-3-6 11:27
国摇:明日之憧《新动机》2017/FLAC分轨/BD attach_img agree shuxin1234   2024-2-22 10286 陈楚言之歌 2024-3-4 12:08
交响/旋死:Far Beyond《The End Of My Road》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-21 5342 sunjian983 2024-5-24 14:39
摇滚:Seven Sundays《Dekadenz》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-21 5372 kenny_yam 2024-2-27 20:11
硬摇:Electric Black《Late Night Lightning》2024/FLAC/XLYP agree asimeylada 2024-2-21 5376 kenny_yam 2024-2-27 19:56
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