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OST《八方旅人2(OCTOPATH TRAVELER II)》FLAC/BD 新人帖 agree  ...234 kisscmpy 2023-3-29 571749 再度遇你 6 天前
原声《Destiny 2: Lightfall 命运2/天命2: 光陨之秋》2023/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 teleize 2023-3-21 15951 mhp200r 2024-2-17 03:08
原子之心 Atomic Heart (Original Game Soundtrack) Vol.1 2023/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 墨客接榫 2023-2-22 391964 1731134683 2024-2-22 20:49
《原神》角色主题OST《闪耀的群星3》2023/FLAC分轨/BD attach_img agree  ...23 shuxin1234   2023-2-4 421703 ad6190 2023-12-23 17:50
原声《OCTOPATH TRAVELER 歧路旅人/八方旅人》专辑/2018/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...234 edwards286 2023-2-1 531486 phoniexf 2024-4-7 09:46
火焰纹章:风花雪月 (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) OST/WAV/自抓/BD 新人帖 - [售价 12 碟CD] attach_img  ...2 SDILAY 2023-1-27 19925 phoniexf 2024-4-7 10:09
OST《神界:原罪2》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 我我我书记 2022-12-9 241365 是送你啊 4 天前
OST《战神5》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 我我我书记 2022-12-8 271205 Light777 2024-2-22 10:55
OST《超时空之轮 CHRONO TRIGGER》ds版/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 我我我书记 2022-12-4 351644 kop病人 2024-3-12 10:11
原声《A Plague Tale 瘟疫传说》2019~2022/FLAC/24_44.1/BD attachment agree  ...2 teleize 2022-11-28 151268 phoniexf 2024-4-7 10:12
原声《Demon's Souls 恶魔之魂》,珍藏版,2020/24_96/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 teleize 2022-11-27 181053 kyo_gaoying 2024-3-2 20:21
《EVANGELION FINALLY 新世纪福音战士》FLAC/nextcloud attach_img agree  ...23456 deathwisher 2022-11-26 902149 Freeman331 昨天 21:47
NieR《Automata》钢琴专辑/FLAC/Nextcloud云 attach_img agree  ...23 deathwisher 2022-11-25 321208 Y1Yan 2024-4-3 16:16
上原れな《白色相簿2》《届かない恋》24bit_96kHz/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Battereamer 2022-11-25 261357 key2moon 2024-4-17 08:34
原声《Far Cry 6 孤岛惊魂6》, 6专辑/2021-2022年/24_48/FLAC/BD attach_img teleize 2022-11-14 111071 nemo3714 2023-9-15 18:34
原声《God of War: Ragnarök 战神:诸神黄昏》, 2022/24_48/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 teleize 2022-11-13 411884 Berryman 2024-3-31 09:26
原声《Persona Dancing女神异闻录 热舞系列》2专辑/2018-2020/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 teleize 2022-11-6 341652 honelt 前天 21:53
原声《Persona Q 女神异闻录 迷宫系列》4专辑/2014-2018/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 teleize 2022-11-6 201009 xiaobaia1 2024-4-10 22:48
原声《Final Fantasy 最终幻想像素重制版1-6》 2022/WAV/BD attachment agree  ...23 edwards286 2022-11-5 331657 asakura12345 2024-2-4 16:02
原声《Persona 5 女神异闻录 5》5专辑/2017-2022/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 teleize 2022-11-5 1504985 烛火Aiden 昨天 03:55
原声《Persona 4 女神异闻录 4》6专辑/2008-2014/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2345 teleize 2022-10-31 622028 烛火Aiden 昨天 03:56
原声《Persona 3 女神异闻录 3》6专辑/2006-2010/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...234 teleize 2022-10-30 582030 烛火Aiden 昨天 03:57
原声《Persona 2 女神异闻录 2》7专辑/1999-2012/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 teleize 2022-10-28 301223 xiaobaia1 2024-4-10 22:58
原声《Persona 女神异闻录(一代)》3专辑/1997-2009/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 teleize 2022-10-27 291201 xiaobaia1 2024-4-10 23:03
Silent Hill (Original Video Game Soundtrack) Vinyl/FLAC+CUE attach_img agree ZZMBBK 2022-10-27 11918 mission98227 2023-4-30 13:32
原声《Darkest Dungeon 暗黑地牢》系列4专辑/24Bit/2016-2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree teleize 2022-10-26 13881 fack188 2023-9-24 14:44
Matus Siroky and Adam Kuruc《Mafia II》FLAC/BD attachment agree ZZMBBK 2022-10-26 5940 eltonwjx 2023-3-16 23:06
原声《Streets of Rage 4 怒之铁拳4》4专辑/2020-2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree teleize 2022-10-25 10846 kennyshaw 2023-5-27 09:00
原声《The Ascent 上行战场》2专辑/24Bit//2021-2022/FLAC/BD attachment agree teleize 2022-10-25 9805 yidw187 2023-3-1 12:13
原声《Little Nightmares 小小梦魇》系列4专辑/2017-2021/FLAC/BD attachment agree teleize 2022-10-24 141026 goxlsf 2024-3-16 18:52
原声《Uncharted 神秘海域》系列6专辑/2007-2017,FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 teleize 2022-10-20 351591 phoniexf 2024-4-7 10:36
原声《For Honor 荣耀战魂系列》5专辑/2017-2022/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 teleize 2022-10-15 151002 周星驰小迷弟 2023-12-20 02:12
原声《Dark Soul 黑暗之魂系列》2018/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...234 teleize 2022-10-15 521989 Min0taur 前天 18:20
OST《Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 怪物猎人崛起:曙光》2022/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 teleize 2022-10-14 191334 为何要昵称 2024-3-10 10:30
Original Game Soundtrack《埃尔登法环:Elden Ring》2022/24bit_48kHz/Ali attach_img agree WoW汪 2022-10-14 141157 chenzyx 2023-12-25 23:06
植松伸夫《F.F.Mix》1994/FLAC/百度云 attach_img agree  ...2 mumuxp 2022-10-7 15935 小兔子的蝈蝈 2024-3-1 10:39
植松伸夫《Symphonic Suite Final Fantasy》1989/FLAC/百度云 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 mumuxp 2022-10-5 15927 leichao 2024-4-12 23:44
OST《罪恶装备:奋战》FLAC/BD attachment agree 我我我书记 2022-9-27 11877 白银溪流 2023-9-23 14:44
原神《流星的轨迹 Footprints of the Traveler》2022/24bit_48kHz/Ali attach_img agree  ...23 WoW汪 2022-9-21 321644 Krash42 2023-9-26 14:46
古墓丽影 暗影天使 游戏原声 The Dark Angel Symphony (FLAC) [24-44] attachment agree ZZMBBK 2022-9-13 11827 周星驰小迷弟 2023-12-25 15:01
Tomb Raider The Dark Angel Symphony 古墓丽影 暗影天使 游戏原声 24-44 ZZMBBK 2022-9-13 0414 ZZMBBK 2022-9-13 14:41
《大富翁》经典原声音乐/WAV/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 ddtccn 2022-9-11 231063 horses 2024-4-15 10:58
《塞尔达伝説》2018音乐会 [初回数量限定生産盤] 24/96/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2345 我我我书记 2022-9-10 802030 richterwj 2024-4-6 10:36
《最终幻想VII 25周年》黑胶合辑_Hi-res 24/96/FLAC/百度 attachment agree  ...23456 我我我书记 2022-9-10 792182 egg0102030405 2024-3-31 06:48
OST《怪物猎人:崛起》FLAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 我我我书记 2022-9-7 231309 mihiro22 2024-3-19 17:27
OST《十三机兵防卫圈》2020/FLAC/百度 attachment agree  ...23 我我我书记 2022-9-7 431830 512902551 2024-4-11 16:53
persona4/女神异闻录4 original soundtrack 2008/flac/百度云 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 我我我书记 2022-9-1 231461 Oscillator 2023-10-22 19:37
游戏原声《刺客信条:解放 Assassins Creed 3 Liberation》FLAC attachment agree  ...2 ZZMBBK 2022-8-25 191246 周星驰小迷弟 2023-12-20 02:31
流浪猫:Stray Original Game Soundtrack 2022/24bit_48kHz attach_img agree WoW汪 2022-8-6 81170 Kuroj 2023-9-23 20:15
Toby Fox《Undertale: Collector's Edition》2013/2018 [取消分享] attach_img agree sary 2022-8-3 8996 2269099731 2023-1-15 13:54
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