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新浪潮/冥想:Manish Vyas《20CD》2003-2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img digest agree  ...23 asimeylada 2023-7-27 32962 无损小蜜蜂 6 天前
迷幻:Spacecraft《Ethereal》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 10563 yangzan12345 2023-11-2 11:30
北极环境:Akmuo《Astral Moonlight》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 11637 stupiy 2023-10-20 21:42
迷幻:Sonic Bodhi《Future Dreams》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 7545 iamal 2024-4-10 10:02
古典:Graham Lynch《Light Darkness》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 11687 yangzan12345 2024-3-29 11:19
迷幻:Gaia Vibrations《Congrats》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 7463 kievens 2024-4-20 12:47
迷幻/神秘/环境:The Allegorist《Tekhenu》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 10513 kievens 2024-4-20 12:46
迷幻:Sachi Kobayashi《Melodies in the Garden》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 4501 自在无天 2023-8-15 21:00
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《Sad Country Songs》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 12635 1603760770 2023-10-24 20:53
爵士:Sultan Stevenson《Faithful One》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 4535 bloodlili 2023-8-29 21:56
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《On the Lone Prairie Heartbreak Country》2023/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 9601 hunk5227 2023-8-23 16:08
布鲁斯:Bob Corritore《Bob Corritore & Friends High Rise Blues》2023/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 5595 lane_dell 2023-7-30 20:24
布鲁斯:Black Cat Hoodoo《Liar's Coat》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-27 7510 夏桀 2023-12-19 18:25
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《Young Country》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-26 15561 kievens 2024-4-20 13:07
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《Raise the Roof Country Bands》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 12585 hunk5227 2023-8-23 16:09
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《The Best Country Classics》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-26 16850 打雷我怕谁 2023-8-22 12:52
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《The Best Unplugged Covers》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-26 18777 myspsky 2023-8-26 09:14
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《Ultimate Country Music Party》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 13699 hunk5227 2023-8-23 16:10
布鲁斯:Xime Monzon《Xime Monzon Band En Vivo》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 8452 bloodlili 2023-8-29 21:57
刺耳的噪音:Masonna《Vestal Spacy Ritual》2023(1998)/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 1409 asimeylada 2023-7-26 18:25
古典/钢琴:韩德尔项目《勃拉姆斯-韩德尔变奏曲》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 3370 zhiwen.feng 2023-8-11 09:23
世界融合:Ashti Abdo, Manuel Buda, Fabio Marconi《Oltremura》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 3466 eagleis 2023-8-30 13:57
电子/环境:Robert Schroeder《Floating Music EDITION》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 5398 自在无天 2023-8-16 09:40
电子/环境/实验:Alio Die & Lorenzo Montanà《Dialogue of Water》2023/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 4410 自在无天 2023-8-16 09:44
布鲁斯:JohnnyST《The Blues Is Back》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 5404 bloodlili 2023-8-29 21:58
环境/电声:Andrew Weathers《Sage, Suddenly》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 3483 自在无天 2023-8-16 14:07
布鲁斯:Justin Cody Fox《New Southern》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 5454 bloodlili 2023-8-29 21:58
电子/休闲/慢拍:VA《Andalucia Chill - Summer Party》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-26 12545 打雷我怕谁 2023-8-22 12:55
莎拉·布莱曼-世界上最畅销的女高音《France》WAV分轨/CT agree  ...2 zhlmg 2023-7-26 17672 喜提多 2024-3-2 01:59
美国Billboard单曲榜TOP100 (2023年7月22日) 2023/FLAC/CT/夸克 digest agree  ...2 llboy76 2023-7-25 21953 MELODYC 2024-2-11 05:19
英国UK单曲榜TOP40 (2023年7月21日)2023/FLAC/CT/夸克/迅雷 agree llboy76 2023-7-23 11784 eagleis 2023-8-30 13:54
鼓&贝斯/神经朋克:Akuma《Neurotoxin EP》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-23 6635 布莱特 2024-3-16 02:07
合成器浪潮:LeBrock《Gone》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-23 6691 自在无天 2023-8-16 09:36
休闲:VA-Maretimo Records《休息室音乐的奇妙世界1-4》2017-2023/XLYP attach_img agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-23 27885 iamal 2024-4-10 10:10
合成器浪潮:Earmake《21CD》2015-2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img digest agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-23 19860 tmpp71 2023-10-24 21:38
群星-精挑遴选15首极致发烧录音《极美女声3》WAV+CUE/CT agree  ...23 zhlmg 2023-7-23 30981 max199211 2024-3-2 16:20
群星-精挑遴选15首极致发烧录音《极美女声2》WAV+CUE/CT agree  ...2 zhlmg 2023-7-23 26710 戴天2024 2024-3-1 08:40
2023年7月21日发行新单曲 2023/FLAC/CT/夸克 digest agree  ...2 llboy76 2023-7-22 18818 ydy723154661 2023-12-12 09:58
赛博朋克/合成音/黑暗合成音:Hubrid《Road Of Fear》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-22 3570 nbhero 2023-7-29 23:25
电子/环境/慢拍:Lorenzo Montanà《Colors Vol.1》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-22 10614 noelzhang 2023-10-9 17:59
迷幻:Relief, Unusual Cosmic Process《Orbital Reflections》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-22 6493 blueblue 2023-8-17 23:18
布鲁斯:Dmitry Mikheenko&Blues《永恒的夏日》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-22 7571 zghuang 2023-7-24 15:25
布鲁斯:Carlos Yebenes& Dr. Blues Band《Las cosas de la vida》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-22 6667 zghuang 2023-7-24 15:27
流行:Kelly Clarkson《chemistry》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree  ...23 asimeylada 2023-7-22 341173 chairstone 2024-3-10 17:53
后朋克/原声吉他/独立:Nick Wineman《Fucking demos》2023/FLAC/XLYP attachment agree asimeylada 2023-7-21 5601 kirbystar 2023-7-24 16:58
流行:VA《维克托·雷斯尼科娃的歌曲》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-21 4436 lane_dell 2023-7-24 09:22
环境/酸性/慢节奏:Carbon Based Lifeforms《22CD》2003-2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img digest agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-21 19933 lixiaoya 2024-4-9 20:37
流行/爵士:Mangroove…《Nesto vece od nas》2023/FLAC/XLYP attach_img agree asimeylada 2023-7-21 5489 lane_dell 2023-7-24 09:20
VA《Barbie The Album》2023/24bit/48kHZ/FLAC/CT/夸克/迅雷 attach_img agree  ...2 llboy76 2023-7-21 28943 zcj6283246 2024-3-31 10:48
布鲁斯/乡村/民谣:VA《Father's Day Country Throwback Edit》2023/FLAC/XL attach_img agree  ...2 asimeylada 2023-7-20 18881 doradoking615 2024-1-25 11:13
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