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芬兰交响金:Dark Sarah《3CD》2015-2018/FLAC+CUE/BD attach_img agree  ...23 savalone 2020-6-13 302962 yingfeng_j77 2023-2-19 13:25
罗马尼亚重金:Scarlet Aura《4CD》2016-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-13 172084 yingfeng_j77 2023-2-26 18:44
德民谣金:Empyrium《5CD》1996-2014/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment agree  ...23 savalone 2020-6-13 392713 goudante 2024-3-9 23:17
巴西激流金:Nervosa《3CD》2014-2018/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-13 181982 zdhtmp 2023-10-5 23:45
瑞士重金:Burning Witches《3CD》2017-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-13 252128 renbinab 2022-4-18 23:07
俄交响金:Imperial Age《4CD》2012-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-13 282494 yingfeng_j77 2023-2-19 12:48
美旋死:DevilDriver《8CD》2003-2018/FLAC+APE/BD attachment agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-13 251962 QIGE1231 2024-3-13 19:37
平克吉他手:寂寞爷 David Gilmour《6CD》1978-2017/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment agree  ...2345 savalone 2020-6-12 654647 我最爱柚子 2023-12-25 20:30
乌克兰残死:Schizogen《Spawn of Almighty Essence》2020/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2020-6-12 81344 keerp 2022-10-29 18:23
丹麦蓝调摇滚:Thorbjorn Risager & The Black Tornado《Come on In》2020/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至6楼] 最终之战 2020-6-12 81366 mosquitoh 2024-1-7 21:54
冰岛民谣摇滚蓝调摇滚:Blackbird & Crow《Ailm》 2020/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至8楼] 最终之战 2020-6-12 111340 mosquitoh 2024-1-7 21:55
澳大利亚交响死核:Make Them Suffer《6CD》2010-2020/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-12 222663 zzwhat 2022-6-14 21:47
(补档)布鲁斯摇滚:Peter Green《16CD》1970-2003/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment digest agree  ...23 savalone 2020-6-11 423665 ringadingding 2023-9-21 11:42
佛利伍麦克合唱团 Fleetwood Mac《21CD》1968-2003/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 savalone 2020-6-11 1177423 喜提多 2024-1-31 18:57
美激流:Morbid Saint《5CD+2LP》1988-2016/FLAC/BD+CT/3.22G attachment [最终之战已阅至9楼] ...2 最终之战 2020-6-11 282726 种鱼的猫 2024-4-2 21:08
Stratovarius当家吉他手:Timo Tolkki《合集》1994-2019/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...234 唯识 2020-6-11 544512 sofan 2023-11-15 10:58
法国前卫金属核:Novelists FR《C'est La Vie》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-6-11 91542 yytbczc 2023-1-1 14:54
(补档)美硬摇流金:Cinderella《8CD》1986-1994/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment agree  ...234 savalone 2020-6-10 533186 莱恩 2023-12-8 18:08
美独立迷幻摇滚:Deap Lips《Deap Lips》2020/FLAC/CT attach_img [最终之战已阅至6楼] 最终之战 2020-6-10 111643 新新新新华仔 2020-7-6 19:22
黑胶收藏:美能量金 Demons & Wizards《III》2020/FLAC_LP_24_192/CT attach_img 最终之战 2020-6-10 101383 emptywords 2020-8-23 12:21
美前卫金:Polyphia《7CD》2011-2018/FLAC/CT attachment  ...234 最终之战 2020-6-10 533717 马克西姆斯 2024-4-23 21:02
布鲁斯摇滚:Creedence Clearwater Revival《7CD》1968-1972/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment agree  ...2345 savalone 2020-6-10 653929 yyoxh 2023-11-29 15:47
美黑暗工业:Fliege《The Invisible Seam》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-6-10 31389 75132 2020-6-16 03:37
捷克死亡:Purnama《2CD》2017+2020/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至4楼] 最终之战 2020-6-10 51040 75132 2020-6-16 03:41
意大利黑金:Orgg《The Great White War》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-6-10 31394 75132 2020-6-16 03:46
美律动:Lamb of God《Lamb of God》2020/FLAC/分轨/BD attachment agree  ...234 savalone 2020-6-10 534047 lovemmusic 2022-4-4 21:43
瑞典黑暗死亡:Night Crowned《Impius Viam》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-6-10 71368 mylord0061 2021-12-16 06:01
西石人:Piece of Change《The Last Four Riders of the Dead Wave》2020/FLAC attach_img 最终之战 2020-6-10 31443 mosquitoh 2024-1-8 16:09
(补档)绿洲乐队 Oasis《全集》1994-2016/日版/FLAC/BD attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 savalone 2020-6-10 37716746 yezosuif 2024-4-24 11:46
布鲁斯摇滚:Ana Popović《8CD》2001-2018/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment agree  ...2 savalone 2020-6-9 292012 玄机子 2023-3-30 09:52
布鲁斯摇滚:Joe Bonamassa《14CD》2000-2020/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment digest agree  ...234 savalone 2020-6-9 563850 BendBendBear 2024-4-19 13:00
波兰死亡金属:Centinex《Death in Pieces》2020限量版/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至8楼] ...2 最终之战 2020-6-9 172321 mylord0061 2022-4-23 17:27
布鲁斯摇滚:J.J. Cale《19CD》1971-2019/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment digest agree  ...234 savalone 2020-6-9 474249 shaolong333 2023-10-9 21:56
荷兰黑暗死亡:God Dethroned《Illuminati》 2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至4楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 51572 qdldq 2020-6-18 02:58
德黑死:The Spirit《Cosmic Terror》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至2楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 31216 白银溪流 2020-12-18 18:50
美黑金速度金属:Midnight《Rebirth By Blasphemy》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至2楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 91300 lzy8593 2024-3-13 10:12
美黑金:Tombs《Monarchy of Shadows》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至2楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 31300 nilemania 2020-6-9 23:48
挪威黑金硬核朋克摇滚:Kvelertak《Splid》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至2楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 41429 nilemania 2020-6-9 23:50
美黑金:Serpent of a Black Horizon《A Funeral Dirge for the Living》 2020 attachment [最终之战已阅至3楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 1901 李十一 2020-6-9 09:04
冰岛黑金:Scáth Na Déithe《The Dirge of Endless Mourning》2020/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至7楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 81542 mayutami 2021-8-25 15:17
墨西哥黑金:Necroroots《Distorted Visions of Death》2020/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至5楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 61054 紅★人 2020-6-16 05:07
挪威黑金:Nattverd《Styggdom》 2020/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至4楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 41280 nilemania 2020-6-9 23:50
德黑金:Lucifuge《The One Great Curse》2020/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至3楼] 最终之战 2020-6-9 21048 cqhcy 2020-6-9 14:19
DRV-041ANV HELL FREEZES OVER 完全纪念收藏版 DSD128/DSF - [阅读权限 20]attach_img digest heatlevel agree [最终之战已阅至14楼] ...23456..9 Boweyy 2020-6-8 1311280 perfectbest 2024-2-24 09:13
美金属核硬核:END《Splinters From an Ever-Changing Face》2020/FLAC/BD attachment agree savalone 2020-6-8 61244 lovemmusic 2022-4-4 22:05
朋克教母:派蒂·史密斯 Patti Smith《14CD》1975-2012/WAVPack+FLAC/BD attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 savalone 2020-6-8 1186617 yang8800s 2024-4-10 20:21
美朋克:Distillers《3CD》2000-2003/APE+CUE/BD attachment agree savalone 2020-6-8 141589 mosquitoh 2024-1-7 21:58
英朋克:X-Ray Spex《Germ Free Adolescents》1978/APE+CUE/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-6-8 141215 异语朋克 2024-4-6 15:02
加拿大流行朋克:Billy Talent《5CD》2003-2016/FLAC/分轨/BD attachment agree savalone 2020-6-8 111227 mosquitoh 2024-1-7 22:00
瑞士前卫金:ILLUMISHADE《Eclyptic - Wake of Shadows》2020/FLAC/BD attachment agree savalone 2020-6-8 101158 mosquitoh 2024-1-7 22:01
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