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美另类摇滚后垃圾:Bush《17CD》1994-2020/FLAC/BD attachment digest agree  ...23 savalone 2020-7-25 422829 musicelest 2024-2-10 23:33
美重金力量金:Mike LePond's Silent Assassins《3CD》2014-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-25 151833 yingfeng_j77 2023-2-6 16:21
美激流:Metallica《Master Of Puppets》FLAC/24_96/BD 新人帖 agree Yang1f 2020-7-25 111171 3404398 2024-4-10 22:22
美前卫黑死:Hath《3CD》2015-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-25 141335 yyh0393 2022-6-10 00:35
西班牙旋死:Bloodhunter《2CD》2019-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-25 121494 yingfeng_j77 2023-7-23 14:31
(Indie Alternative Rock) Beck/音频包/9.61G/BD+CT attach_img digest  ...2 最终之战 2020-7-25 261869 myspsky 2024-3-13 13:05
英旋死激流:Sylosis《Cycle of Suffering》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2020-7-25 201826 yingfeng_j77 2023-8-9 09:31
意激流重金:Soul Dragger《Soul Dragger》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 4981 ibaso 2020-10-3 10:23
美死核:Left to Suffer《A Year of Suffering》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-25 41602 metallars 2020-7-30 20:44
(已补)姜昕《岁月如歌》2020/WAV+FLAC/BD attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 savalone 2020-7-25 1378262 Wink_L 2024-2-18 17:09
美前卫旋死:Grey Skies Fallen《Cold Dead Lands》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 71280 mdjmusic 2021-3-4 21:37
德旋死:Deliver The Galaxy《The Journey》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 81025 白银溪流 2020-12-21 20:24
法旋死:Aesmah《Walking Off the Horizon》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 5944 白银溪流 2020-12-21 19:47
瑞典旋律黑异教维京:Kvaen《The Funeral Pyre》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 6895 oliverrr 2021-12-13 14:39
意旋律黑:Cold Raven《In Tenebris Silvam》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 3912 metallars 2020-7-30 21:18
德旋律黑:Dark Fortress《Spectres from the Old World》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-25 7940 zylldbb 2021-3-30 11:15
墙花乐队 Wallflowers & Jakob Dylan《10CD》1992-2019/FLAC/BD attach_img digest agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-25 292526 musiclover34 2023-6-14 10:15
瑞士黑死:Impalement《The Impalement》2020/FLAC+MP3/BD attachment agree 0祭司0 2020-7-24 51271 白银溪流 2020-12-21 15:35
德力量金:Primal Fear《Metal Commando》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-24 221881 荣之子 2024-1-19 09:55
瑞士前卫金:Dead Venus《Bird Of Paradise》2019/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-24 101124 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 09:56
英另类摇滚:PJ Harvey《14CD》1992-2020/FLAC/BD attachment digest agree  ...23456..7 savalone 2020-7-24 935377 lanmao791009 2024-4-25 11:43
美全女子激流:Meanstreak《Roadkill》1988/FLAC+CUE/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-23 161484 yingfeng_j77 2023-7-23 14:36
澳大利亚前卫金属核:Polaris《6CD》2013-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-23 242294 nealzheng 2024-1-20 10:08
美前卫金属核:Dreamwalker《2CD》2018-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-23 111277 lovemmusic 2022-4-8 08:11
英民谣/能量金:Alestorm《Curse of the Crystal Coconut》2020豪华版/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-22 111056 yingfeng_j77 2023-9-23 15:51
英另类/电子/前卫摇滚:Archive《Versions》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-22 71005 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 09:57
英国重金属新浪潮老炮 Blitzkrieg《11CD》1985-2018/FLAC/BD attach_img digest agree  ...23 雪澈00 2020-7-21 323444 纸袋儿 2023-6-4 20:55
后朋: Rema-Rema 《Fond Reflections》2019/FLAC/BD attach_img agree easycure 2020-7-21 81209 wumingshi 2022-6-2 10:53
迷幻/德国酸菜摇滚: Ash Ra Tempel 《Ash Ra Tempel》1971/FLAC/BD attach_img agree easycure 2020-7-21 91376 zzsghr 2022-10-12 12:51
瑞典力量金:Mean Streak《5CD》2009-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-21 161739 yingfeng_j77 2023-2-6 16:11
西班牙黑死:Yass-Waddah《This Reality Is Just a Deception》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-21 0962 最终之战 2020-7-21 12:29
英伦/独立摇滚:JARV IS... & Jarvis Cocker《Beyond the Pale》2020/FLA... attach_img 最终之战 2020-7-21 41163 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 09:58
群星《中国大摇滚:献给国际减灾十年》1992/APE/BD 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...23456 chenning 2020-7-20 806024 jackycai 2023-12-3 08:42
AC/DC (ACDC)《Back In Black》1980(2020)/24bit_96KHz/FLAC/BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 savalone 2020-7-20 1437211 13012631618 2024-4-24 09:14
美布鲁斯摇滚:Dion《Blues With Friends》2020/FLAC/BD attachment 最终之战 2020-7-20 111483 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 09:59
石器时代皇后 Queens of the Stone Age《10CD》1998-2017/FLAC+CUE/BD attach_img digest agree  ...234 savalone 2020-7-20 553568 布莱特 2024-3-18 11:58
波兰黑死:Behemoth《A Forest》2020/FLAC/BD attachment [最终之战已阅至14楼] ...2 最终之战 2020-7-20 242470 pan98 2023-9-14 10:32
U.D.O.《We Are One》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-20 282058 yyoxh 2023-11-3 16:49
美国另类摇滚天团 Sonic Youth《15CD》1983-2009/FLAC/BD attach_img digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 雪澈00 2020-7-19 1035985 lanmao791009 2024-2-26 22:25
布鲁斯摇滚/现代电布鲁斯:Coco Montoya《13CD》1995-2019/APE+FLAC/BD attachment digest agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-18 272591 zghuang 2023-6-28 10:28
苏格兰民谣海盗金:Rumahoy《2CD》2018-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-18 141133 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 10:00
意旋律/能量金:Elvenking 精灵王《18CD》2001-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img digest  ...23 最终之战 2020-7-18 423269 yyoxh 2023-12-23 08:19
美另类摇滚:Hum《12CD》1991-2020/FLAC/BD attach_img digest agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-17 182120 nfgdong 2023-12-6 16:14
加拿大激流精品 Eidolon《8CD》1996-2006/FLAC分轨/BD attach_img agree 雪澈00 2020-7-17 121597 wy2006gh 昨天 09:13
枪炮玫瑰成员个人专辑系列 主音吉他Slash《14CD》1995-2018/CD... - [售价 100 碟CD] attach_img digest  ...2345 雪澈00 2020-7-17 694774 再见尼古丁 2023-3-23 09:25
堪萨斯新专:Kansas《The Absence of Presence》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree savalone 2020-7-16 131363 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 10:02
芬兰交响金:Dark Sarah《Grim》2020/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 savalone 2020-7-16 182295 mosquitoh 2023-9-23 10:02
芬兰旋律力量:Dreamtale《8CD》2002-2016/日版/FLAC+CUE/BD attachment agree  ...2345 savalone 2020-7-16 633722 1276013880 2024-3-20 19:17
瑞典旋律死亡精品 灵车Hearse《5CD》2002-2009/FLAC/BD attach_img agree 雪澈00 2020-7-16 121791 mylord0061 2021-5-13 14:10
加拿大激流老炮歼灭者 Annihilator《20CD》1990-2020/FLAC/BD+HCY attachment digest agree  ...234 雪澈00 2020-7-16 563969 25dtwalkman 2024-3-6 13:00
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