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英国残死:.357 Homicide《2CD》2020-2021/flac分轨+mp3/BD attach_img agree 我们是巴萨 2021-12-4 101317 beyang 2022-1-6 17:29
摇滚老炮:Neil Young《全集》FLAC/130G/BD attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 wumingshi 2021-12-3 1267245 qzdr 5 天前
荷兰交响:Epica《Omega Alive》2021/24 Bit Hi-Res/FLAC/BD agree  ...2 wumingshi 2021-12-3 292244 zzlin813 2022-11-11 22:56
涅槃 Nirvana《Madrid》1992 (2021)FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 wumingshi 2021-12-3 323340 金属鸟人 2023-11-18 09:26
挪威旋律:Memoria Avenue《Memoria Avenue》2021/24Bit-44.1kHz/FLAC/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-12-3 91763 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 11:29
德国哥特:Leaves' Eyes《The Last Viking》2020/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 wumingshi 2021-12-3 232014 masoukishin 2024-4-3 08:55
美另类摇滚 The Replacements《Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash》/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-12-2 101254 yingfeng_j77 2024-1-7 10:26
美硬摇:SixxA.M.《 HITS》2021/24Bit-96kHz/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 wumingshi 2021-12-2 312924 raychou1997 2023-9-13 20:10
山羊皮 Suede《Coming Up》2021_25th Anniversary Edition/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2345 wumingshi 2021-12-2 653584 duwenkun 2024-4-26 00:11
金属/美式摇滚:FOZZY乐队(Y2J,Chris Jericho)《Judas》2017/FLAC/16/24Bit agree  ...2 PH_Bomber 2021-12-1 161832 knightttter 2024-4-4 18:32
瑞典旋律硬摇:CRAZY LIXX《Street Lethal》2021/FLAC_24Bit-44.1kHz/BD attach_img agree  ...2 wumingshi 2021-12-1 211849 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 11:31
匈牙利黑金:Bornholm《Apotheosis》2021/FLAC_24_44.1/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-12-1 51152 839699438 2022-5-3 00:52
美旋律硬核:Black Veil Brides《The Phantom Tomorrow》FLAC/2021/BD agree wumingshi 2021-12-1 121595 likexiu 2023-9-10 13:24
RATM吉他手 Tom Morello《The Atlas Underground Fire》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 wumingshi 2021-12-1 302760 敌在独乐寺1984 2022-10-22 17:43
Radiohead《KID A MNESIA》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-12-1 91531 mn0mn0mn0 2023-10-26 13:09
Mr. Big《Lean Into It》2021_30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 wumingshi 2021-12-1 312940 cndy2008 2023-12-16 16:41
R.E.M.《New Adventures In Hi-Fi》2021_25th Anniversary Edition/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 wumingshi 2021-12-1 332773 sigeyi 2024-3-28 00:00
芬兰厄运旋律死亡金属:Swallow the Sun《Moonflowers》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 林嗝嗝 2021-11-30 222294 zakk 2023-7-16 06:22
一个牛逼的旋死?Adiant《Killing Dreams》2021/BD attach_img agree  ...2 sunjian983 2021-11-30 282966 839699438 2022-5-3 01:13
俄摇滚:Танцы минус《4CD》2017-2021/FLAC/123WP attach_img 最终之战 2021-11-30 21236 femmef 2021-11-30 21:03
意大利迷幻/太空摇滚:Modern Star《Psychindustrial》 2021/FLAC/123WP attach_img 最终之战 2021-11-30 121532 且戏清光 2022-1-8 02:02
前卫摇滚/艺术摇滚:Richard Dawson & Circle《Henki》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree easycure 2021-11-30 61117 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 22:11
软饼干 Limp Bizkit《STILL SUCKS》2021/FLAC_24Bit-48kHz/BD attach_img agree  ...234 wumingshi 2021-11-29 503560 金属鸟人 2023-12-1 08:58
美国黑死:Black Curse《Endless Wound》2020/FLAC/BD attach_img agree maolight 2021-11-29 71344 QIGE1231 2023-11-6 09:55
桑塔纳 Santana《Blessings and Miracles》(2021) [24 Bit Hi-Res] FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 wumingshi 2021-11-29 212080 morrishua 2022-12-30 06:26
桑塔纳 Santana《Santana》(Legacy Edition) (2CD) (2021) FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 wumingshi 2021-11-29 232375 wangq15 前天 09:59
英前卫摇滚 Yes《The Quest》(2021) [24 Bit Hi-Res] FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 wumingshi 2021-11-29 332669 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 22:12
瑞典旋金:Eyes Wide Open《Through Life and Death》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-11-28 141539 ibaso 2022-5-15 14:27
加拿大前卫死:Deviant Process《Nurture》2021_24 Bit Hi-Res/FLAC/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-11-28 111317 tower_young 2022-5-1 16:12
Nirvana《Nevermind》2021/30th Anniversary Super Deluxe,Remastered/FLAC/BD attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 wumingshi 2021-11-28 1246087 lgf2k 2024-4-5 11:56
U2《Achtung Baby》 (30th Anniversary Edition)2021/24 Bit Hi-Res/BD attachment agree  ...234 wumingshi 2021-11-28 573775 mn0mn0mn0 2023-10-27 23:57
平克弗洛伊德 Pink Floyd《Home》2021_FLAC_24Bit Hi-Res/BD attach_img agree  ...2345 wumingshi 2021-11-28 643969 zhuangzx 2023-4-11 17:40
(应求)德启示录祭祀民谣 :Golgatha:《7CD》2005-2009/FLAC/BD attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2021-11-28 222482 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 22:13
俄罗斯民谣摇滚:Наследие Вагантов《... attach_img agree better27 2021-11-27 101356 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 22:15
美前卫死 Cynic - Ascension Codes (2021) [24 Bit Hi-Res]/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-11-27 111493 五音不全 2022-12-29 20:37
澳器乐前卫金Paul Wardingham《Cybergenesis》2021/FLAC/BD attachment agree satanclaw 2021-11-27 101274 kaca001 2023-9-1 21:24
澳大利亚旋死:Be'lakor《5CD》FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 sunjian983 2021-11-26 272432 yingfeng_j77 2023-9-20 20:33
摇滚老炮:Rod Stewart《The Tears Of Hercules》2021/FLAC/BD+123 attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2021-11-26 151999 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 22:16
美重金属/激流:Dominus Meus《DM2》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2021-11-26 121132 ibaso 2022-5-15 14:30
瑞典激流/重金:All Wasted《Burn With Me》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2021-11-26 121301 ibaso 2022-5-15 14:31
意交响/能量金:Rhapsody Of Fire《Glory for Salvation》2021/FLAC/BD+123 attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2021-11-26 212368 doraemonwq 2024-3-31 13:40
英重金:Black Label Society《Doom Crew Inc.》2021/FLAC/BD+123 attach_img  ...2 最终之战 2021-11-26 282288 啊亮不吃糖 2024-4-25 13:15
美激流:Death Angel《The Bastard Tracks 》2021/BD attach_img agree  ...2 sunjian983 2021-11-26 262040 slash810 2024-2-21 15:46
瑞典前卫旋死:In Mourning《The Bleeding Veil 》2021/BD attach_img agree  ...2 sunjian983 2021-11-26 232008 yingfeng_j77 2023-9-23 09:12
(应求)英残死:Amputated《Dissect, Molest, Ingest》2014/FLAC/123网盘 attach_img 最终之战 2021-11-26 61495 乘着夜色 2021-11-29 18:51
罗马尼亚激流/重金:Mercaptan《Shadows of the cross》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img 最终之战 2021-11-26 81148 ibaso 2022-5-15 17:41
法旋死:Aephanemer《A Dream of Wilderness》2CD/2021/FLAC/BD agree sunjian983 2021-11-26 141669 METAL黑 2023-2-28 21:49
瑞典死亡:Hypocrisy《Worship》2021/FLAC_24_44.1/BD attach_img agree  ...23 sunjian983 2021-11-26 362786 独爱SONY 2024-4-5 21:04
德激流/重金:Blessed Child《Monolith》2021/FLAC/BD attach_img [最终之战已阅至3楼] 最终之战 2021-11-25 141555 ibaso 2022-5-15 17:43
布鲁斯摇滚 Gov't Mule《Heavy Load Blues》2021_Deluxe Edition/FLAC/BD attach_img agree wumingshi 2021-11-25 131569 mosquitoh 2023-6-22 22:18
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