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浜田省吾《 青空の扉》FLAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 171382 karachili 2024-4-1 14:53
浜田省吾《Wasted Tears》FLAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 191894 karachili 2024-4-1 14:48
浜田省吾《Edge Of The Knife》FLAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 171779 karachili 2024-4-1 14:30
福山雅治《Sing A Song》1998/FLAC/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 151245 Atheist 2023-10-29 11:45
福山雅治《f》2001/FLAC/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 181724 depped 2023-12-7 14:51
福山雅治《福の音》3CD精选FLAC/百度 attachment agree  ...23456 TFreend 2020-3-11 784316 江小南 2024-4-10 12:14
中岛美嘉《全集19cd》24-96FLAC/百度 attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..33 TFreend 2020-3-11 48025906 HunterLiyt 6 天前
槇原敬之《前7张专辑》2012remastered版本FLAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...23456..7 TFreend 2020-3-11 995349 Yb27115725 2024-4-16 23:18
吉田美和《全集2CD》FLAC/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 222041 何必闷 2023-5-29 20:40
鈴木祥子《原创专辑9CD》flac/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-3-11 191613 何必闷 2023-5-29 20:57
松任谷由実《Hires全集91CD》24-96FLAC/百度 attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 TFreend 2020-3-10 14510287 mambahao 6 天前
坂井泉水 ZARD《SINGLE COLLECTION 7CD》FLAC/百度 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 TFreend 2020-3-10 41120668 zjurobert 3 天前
globe《early years remaster》前4张专辑24-96flac/百度 attachment agree  ...234 TFreend 2020-3-10 482941 mambahao 4 天前
川本真琴《Gobbledygook》2001/flac/分轨/百度 attach_img agree TFreend 2020-3-10 101207 何必闷 2023-5-29 21:06
川本真琴《川本真琴》1997/FLAC/分轨 attach_img agree TFreend 2020-3-10 121349 何必闷 2023-5-29 21:05
ITZY (있지)《IT'z ME》FIAC/分轨/度盘 - [售价 5 碟CD] attach_img  ...2 xfsjgyy 2020-3-9 181920 LBWDD 2022-10-23 03:10
B'z《SURVIVE》日版/M4A/分轨/度盘 attach_img agree  ...2 双子撒加 2020-3-9 151426 karachili 2024-3-13 12:33
B'z《LOOSE》日版/M4A/分轨/度盘 attach_img agree 双子撒加 2020-3-9 141212 karachili 2024-3-11 15:14
B'z《The 7th Blues》日版/M4A/分轨/度盘 attach_img agree 双子撒加 2020-3-9 141321 karachili 2024-3-11 15:20
B'z《RUN》日版/M4A/分轨/度盘 attach_img agree 双子撒加 2020-3-9 131328 karachili 2024-3-11 15:29
B'z《IN THE LIFE》日版/M4A/分轨/度盘 attach_img agree 双子撒加 2020-3-9 111087 karachili 2024-3-13 12:23
スキマスイッチ(无限开关)《Greatest Hits》2007/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 rfine 2020-3-9 302615 ringadingding 2024-2-5 10:55
大黑摩季《BEST OF BEST~All Singles Collection》2CD/APE/BD - [售价 10 碟CD] attach_img  ...23456 100percent 2020-3-7 875465 jinsf 2024-3-16 13:27
PRODUCE 48《30 Girls 6 Concepts》24Bit/48Khz/Flac/HiRes - [售价 5 碟CD] attach_img kenvia 2020-3-4 41631 bloodlili 2022-10-9 19:29
南天群星《Inside Outside U.M.I》2003/WAV/16/48/分轨 - [售价 2 碟CD]  ...2 tatuaggio5 2020-3-3 182125 Tofu_Kleaner 2023-11-15 21:09
K.A.R.D《Hola Hola》韩版/M4A/分轨/度盘 agree 双子撒加 2020-3-2 81263 angelmon 2023-8-2 15:09
MISIA《The Glory Day》迷你专辑FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 252355 ttiimm 2023-11-25 15:59
MISIA《星空のライヴ Song Book History Of Hoshizora Live》FLAC分轨/... attachment agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 312397 ttiimm 2023-11-25 17:42
MISIA《星空のライヴ~The Best Of Acoustic Ballade~》FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 372937 ttiimm 2023-11-25 17:43
MISIA《Misia Soul Jazz Session》FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 302494 bar16888 2023-7-27 00:38
MISIA《Misiaの森 -Forest Covers-》FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 212472 ttiimm 2023-11-25 19:31
MISIA《Misia Soul Jazz Best》FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 322117 ttiimm 2023-11-25 15:54
MISIA《Super Best Records -15th Celebration-》3CD精选FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...2345 TFreend 2020-2-27 695031 charon111 2024-1-17 22:38
MISIA《Love & Ballads》2004精选FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 242478 ttiimm 2023-11-25 15:49
MISIA《Single Collection 5th Anniversary》2003精选FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 261626 ttiimm 2023-11-25 15:46
MISIA《Greatest Hits》2002精选FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 282455 ttiimm 2023-11-25 15:44
大黒摩季《Power Of Dreams》FLAC分轨/百度 attachment agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 322368 739077990 2024-4-12 15:40
大黒摩季《La, La, La》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 281731 布莱特 2024-3-26 14:49
大黒摩季《Back Beats #1》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 321855 布莱特 2024-3-26 14:51
大黒摩季《永遠の夢に向かって》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 341809 布莱特 2024-3-26 14:51
Trf《Dance To Positive》1995FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 171369 ashes4of7time 2024-3-24 21:46
Rurutia《Promised Land》2004FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree TFreend 2020-2-27 121061 bierhofflc 2023-10-10 23:26
Rurutia《Water Forest》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree TFreend 2020-2-27 121026 泣戒雅修 2023-5-11 15:58
Rurutia《R°》2002FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 201193 Leehura 2023-10-29 15:35
Puffy《JET CD》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 171546 karachili 2024-3-24 16:21
My Little Lover《Evergreen》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 221542 karachili 2024-3-19 14:48
Mr.Children《Bolero》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 312349 karachili 2024-2-15 14:51
Mr.Children《深海》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...23 TFreend 2020-2-27 302353 paulieonggap 2023-12-5 21:22
Glay《Pure Soul》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree  ...2 TFreend 2020-2-27 191431 何必闷 2023-5-29 21:35
EPO《Fire & Snow》FLAC分轨/百度 attach_img agree TFreend 2020-2-27 111197 ashes4of7time 2024-3-24 22:34
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