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打包-著名交响曲《马勒交响曲》度盘/17G - [售价 100 碟CD] attach_img  ...2 tyd2060 2021-8-27 162153 tmpp71 2023-11-3 16:11
马勒《第1交响曲:巨人》DSD_DSF/BD - [售价 5 碟CD] attach_img  ...23 tyd2060 2021-8-27 312265 doas123 2024-3-7 21:32
久石让/伦敦交响乐团/新日本爱乐世界梦想乐团/未来管弦... attachment heatlevel [最终之战已阅至12楼] ...23456..16 最终之战 2021-8-25 2339508 鬼子六 2024-3-22 23:42
The Dediaeval Baebes《Worldes Blysse》1998/FLAC/BD 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 virtuoshi 2021-8-20 182145 839699438 2022-5-1 18:00
柏辽兹: 浮士德的天谴 La damnation de Faust/2016/FLAC/BD agree  ...2 wuxufei 2021-8-11 252659 motutu 2023-4-14 08:33
Emanuele Delucchi《Op. 856, 48 Preludes & Fugues》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-10 302555 839699438 2022-5-1 14:56
Francesco Tasini《Opera omnia per tastiera, Vol.7》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-10 222743 静心禅乐 2023-8-3 15:37
Zefiro & Alfredo Bernardini《Fux: Dafne in lauro》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 Kane2083 2021-8-9 302950 静心禅乐 2023-8-3 15:46
Gaechinger Cantorey《Passion, BWV 244》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 212122 rru 2022-11-10 09:04
Niall Kinsella《Schubert's Women》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...23 Kane2083 2021-8-9 302549 tirzah 2022-11-22 14:30
Javier Perianes《Piano Sonatas No. 2 /3/Mazurkas Op. 63》2021/24bit/LAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 272345 839699438 2022-5-1 15:16
Hila Fahima《Donizetti & Verdi: Opera Arias》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 211944 pjt72510 2022-9-26 18:32
Giovanni Antonini《Haydn 2032, Vol. 10: Les heures du jour》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 252165 tjxj1964 2023-5-30 00:13
Giancarlo Erra《Departure Tapes》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 162026 839699438 2022-5-1 18:15
Gautier Dooghe/Nicolas Bacri《L'œuvre pour violon seul》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 211946 839699438 2022-5-1 18:18
Jeremy Joseph《Handel: Organ Concertos Op. 4/7》2021/24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...23 Kane2083 2021-8-9 302641 乐迷007 2023-11-13 12:04
[Gustav Mahler][Hermann Scherchen]-Symphony No. 10 in F sharp Major attach_img agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 171921 fbi163 2023-3-9 19:18
奥托·克伦佩勒《第二交响曲 & 第七弦乐四重奏》新爱乐乐团 attach_img agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-8-9 201780 冰棍 2023-6-3 16:45
Lindsey Stirling《Shatter Me》24bit/FLAC/百度云  - [售价 16 碟CD] attachment Kane2083 2021-8-9 111602 qwer7 2023-7-24 14:15
Janos Starker《J.S. Bach: Suites for Solo Cello, Sonatas》24bit/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...234 Kane2083 2021-8-9 573350 tyclu 2024-3-22 16:02
Leonard Bernstein《Beethoven Symphony No.9 Choral》SACD/ISO/BD attachment agree  ...23 Kane2083 2021-8-9 372678 ytmail 2024-4-5 20:33
Gunter Wand《Beethoven Symphonies Nos.1-9》ISO/百度云 attach_img agree  ...234 Kane2083 2021-8-6 463595 q567q 2022-12-2 20:28
DG公司历史典藏100CD 德意志留声机公司 APE+CUE 13358861601 2021-8-4 142272 q567q 2022-12-2 20:28
发烧DTS HIFI试音蝶《绿色花园 In the Enchanted Garden》DTS音乐NRG... 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 狼行红雪 2021-7-27 754247 dmand 2024-4-2 08:57
DRV-086 Schubert Piano Trio No.2 双版本 DSD128 Remastered - [阅读权限 60]attach_img digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 Boweyy 2021-7-24 1093209 夏葉 2023-2-15 20:18
古典:马友友的电影琴缘(Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone)/SACD/ISO - [售价 16 碟CD] attach_img  ...234 Kane2083 2021-7-21 553736 nemo3714 昨天 13:01
维也纳夏夜音乐会: Summer Night Concert 2021/24bit 96kHz attachment agree  ...2345 WoW汪 2021-7-20 705407 kccitt 2023-9-20 00:42
交响乐:André Previn <Walton: Symphony No.1 in B-Flat Minor>1967/FLAC/BD attach_img  ...2 solo傑 2021-7-18 202019 牛板筋的金 2024-3-29 15:48
RCA百张古典名盘之007:巴赫“哥德堡变奏曲意大利协奏曲” agree  ...23456 CHENYZ1125   2021-7-17 854521 shhcmcznc 2024-2-20 17:26
RCA百张古典名盘之006《巴赫“钢琴创意曲与交响曲四首二... agree  ...234 CHENYZ1125   2021-7-17 483706 喜提多 2024-2-11 17:10
RCA百张古典名盘之005《巴赫“无伴奏大提琴组曲”(全六曲)》 heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 CHENYZ1125   2021-7-17 1066151 uncledoor 2024-3-12 21:15
RCA百张古典名盘之004:巴赫“勃兰登堡协奏曲”[WAV/百度] agree  ...2345 CHENYZ1125   2021-7-17 743944 喜提多 2024-2-11 17:04
V.A《黄金古典珍藏馆》10CD/珍藏版/CT digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 CHENYZ1125   2021-7-17 1099250 yousky 2023-10-28 17:28
古典:Aisslinn Nosky, Handel and Haydn Society Violin Concertos 2021/4bit/AC attachment agree  ...23 Kane2083 2021-7-16 303132 q567q 2022-12-2 20:23
古典:Alain Planés《Frédéric Chopin:Complete Nocturne》2021/24bit/FLAC attachment agree  ...23 Kane2083 2021-7-16 433391 2012cdb 2024-3-27 21:22
古典:Aban Beikircher Philharmonie Pilsen《hestral Works》2021/24bit/FLAC attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-7-16 262678 q567q 2022-12-2 20:25
古典/极简主义:Meara O'Reilly《Hockets for Two Voices》2019/FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 solo傑 2021-7-15 192493 tokong 2022-12-13 11:41
炫技小提琴流浪者之歌三个版本(3CD)APE/FLAC/CT attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 jwlzc998 2021-7-15 1679226 jowen928 昨天 21:37
融合前卫爵士/即兴:Oregon 《Roots In The Sky》1978/MQA/BD attach_img agree  ...2 solo傑 2021-7-13 192673 839699438 2022-10-7 23:48
小提琴江湖第一花郑京和《40周年传奇经典》19CD/APE/CT attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 jwlzc998 2021-7-10 1147012 yang8800s 2024-4-2 15:54
轻音乐纯音乐合集《6CD》古早茶系列/WAV/迅雷云盘 heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 yncgljf 2021-7-9 1436822 邂逅在夏天 3 天前
古典:Pablo Rojas《Latin American Piano Music》2017/FLAC/BD attach_img agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-7-7 262399 senorsam 2023-4-13 11:40
Peter Hanson &Andrew Arthur - Mozart: Sonatas for Violir& Piano/2021 attachment agree  ...2 Kane2083 2021-7-6 262741 chengj 2023-5-15 11:09
ECM 1008:Robin Kenyatta《Girl From Martineque》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-22 272890 牛板筋的金 2023-3-13 15:30
ECM 1007:Jan Garbarek《Afric Peperbird》APE/BD attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-22 212620 zy19710917 2023-5-13 19:51
ECM 1006:Wolfgang Dauner《Output》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-22 172061 牛板筋的金 2023-3-13 15:33
ECM 1005:Music Improvisation Company《Music Improvisation Company》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-20 192376 marklee7171 2022-7-2 09:31
ECM 1004:Marion Brown《Afternoon Of A Georgia Faun》FLAC/BD attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-20 192340 vsbone 2022-5-15 12:48
ECM 1003:Paul Bley With Gray Peacock《Paul Bley Trio》WV/BD attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-20 182431 vsbone 2022-6-9 20:25
ECM1001: Mal Waldron Trio《Free At Last》FLAC/BD 新人帖 attachment agree  ...2 killworm 2021-6-19 212733 839699438 2022-10-7 23:52
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