asimeylada 发表于 2024-4-22 20:58:14

前卫金属核:Aetheriality《write the story, change the plot》2024/FLAC/XLYP

1. free the homie WIFI
2. Drown (feat. Hoosti)
3. to the moon
4. justice for bunnies
5. crimson
6. what is going on
7. tea time
8. tip the scale
9. Wrong Side
10. Loophole
11. OAPY
12. please close my door 2.0 (feat. Jackson Bengtsson of Designer Disguise)
13. the island of...

asimeylada 发表于 2024-4-22 20:59:25


   **** Hidden Message *****

大脚 发表于 2024-4-24 13:02:09

听听看 也许发现新大陆了呢

eltonwjx 发表于 2024-5-27 14:20:15

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查看完整版本: 前卫金属核:Aetheriality《write the story, change the plot》2024/FLAC/XLYP